May. 18th, 2008


Who: Mallory & Damien
Where: Vice, then the park, then Damien's apartment
What: College girls are easy.
When: Oh so very backdated. This was started when Damien was hired, took forever to finish, then schedules prevented it's completion and posting.
Warnings: Long. Cheesy pick-up lines. Snogging. It was never entirely finished, so here is the "taking far too long already" cut version of it.

You want Fucking Cold, you go to New England )

Summary: Mallory, left to her own devices at Vice, gets chatted up by that night's performer. The two hit it off rather nicely and go elsewhere to chat while Damien successfully woos her and they retire to Damien's apartment and eventually comes a fade-out.

May. 17th, 2008


Who: Temperance, Piper, & Damien
What: Investigayshuns.
When: Some night this week that Damien plays at Vice.
Where: Vice
Warnings: None yet.

Intro )

Feb. 16th, 2008


Who: David Wood and Damien Carroll
What: Damien's audition at Vice
Where: Vice
When: Wednesday evening, February 13th
Warnings: Warning, lyrics from rock songs in this thread? lol

You alone can make my song take flight - help me make the music of the night* )

Summary: Damien auditions for David Wood at his club, aka Vice - and he is a great success. What is this the start of? Only time will tell.

Feb. 10th, 2008


Who: Piper and Damien
What: Meeting & a Muse with a new charge
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: The park
Warnings: None

Money is nothing, and fame is shit. )

Summary: While out meandering to clear her head and take Pitch out for a change, Piper comes around a particularly talented musician. And as a Muse would do, she jumps on the change to take him under her wing, and the two walk away from one another with an agreement.