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August 29th, 2010

[info]musingsmods in [info]oldschoolrp



Musings has always existed, a world alongside our world.

In Musings, people live the way we do, eat the same food we do, love the same way we do, and work the same minimum wage jobs we do. The differences? They all have their roots in fictional characters, and they are immortal.

Though they are not the characters themselves, they carry in them the essences of characters from fiction. The sources that they spring from do not exist for them, but they are based on fiction we are familiar with all the same - though no one has ever read a Batman comic, there is a rich young man who uses his money to fight the forces of evil that destroyed his life. Though Moby Dick was never written, a sailor still stalks the bars of a town on the sea, watching, waiting.

Now, a portal has opened between the world of Musings and the mortal world, and the Creations (as they call themselves) have begun crossing over in droves. Now, they have abilities that they did not have in their own world, abilities that they can choose to do with what they will. There is no great prescribed fate for these echoes of fiction, only the destinies they choose to weave for themselves - living and losing on the shores of a new world.

Most Wanted: Ariadne, Cobb from Inception, Night Owl from Watchmen, Arthur, Guinevere, Merlin from Arthurian Legends, Lex Luthor from Superman.


[info]pride_of_italia in [info]oldschoolrp

You Bully! A Bully RPG

Based on the hit videogame, 'You Bully!' is a canon and original character based RPG, taking place during the next school year at the prestigious Bullworth Academy!
Now that our misguided heroes are a year older, are they a year wiser? Or will there be fights, hair-pulling, silly pranks and stolen kisses behind the bike sheds, just like the year before? Who will try to take the title of 'King of the School' this year? And just what actually happened to Gary Smith?!

With plenty of canon characters up for grabs, if you want to challenge yourself by taking part in a fun, active game with in-depth character development, then this game is for you! For now, we are only taking applications for canon characters. There are so many characters available with very little information about them, so you can pretty much customise their personality and history to suit you! We are very happy to take on applications for own characters once you take on 2 canon characters, however.

Interested? Then what are you waiting for! Come check us out!
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