Sep. 11th, 2015



yearbook meme.

Jun had a great suggestion for a send off meme for the last couple weeks! It's a yearbook meme, which is about as simple as it sounds. Comment here with your character, and then others can reply with messages they'd write in your character's yearbook. :)

Sep. 2nd, 2015



random info.

SO. I just decided that Pavel does web series type things on whatever we want to name the youtube equivalent because #yolo. He runs two:

The first is Pavel's Law, and it focuses on running high school level muggle physics projects that more or less mirror the effects of certain spells. It's basically aimed at making sense of muggle science to magical folks, within the context of spellwork. This week's focused on silencio and he did something like this project. He uses a spare classroom and such as needed. Of the two videos, it's much more common to see his face in this one. These videos typically span to about 15-20 minutes, depending on the project.

The second is much more fun and less nerdy. It's just hilarious movie reviews of obviously awful movies. Beware the puns, judgmental tones and occasionally pausing the movie to be like WHAT. These videos span from about 10-12 minutes... Maybe shorter if he just can't deal. He'll also occasionally do video game streams but that's more so when he's at home. These are called PVL UP. He actually had a decent sized following for these. This week's awful movie? BIRDEMIC.


Aug. 31st, 2015



fyi beauxbatons

Since Teo is a special cinnamon roll, he somehow managed to not notice the time change in the digital age. He thankfully didn't have any classes today, but he was about twenty minutes late for the Beauxbatons' practice today. Oops.

Aug. 17th, 2015



[No Subject]

plot post #15 )



[No Subject]

Hey guys, sorry I've been a little MIA after JUST joining this lovely comm, my work has been taking everything outta me. Not to mention family reunion shenanigans and more work killing me.

SO. i'm gonna try and be more active and whatnot this week since I'm basically only at one job, not both, and my brain will have a break!


Aug. 11th, 2015



[No Subject]

Thank you loves, I've been looking forward to this. <3



[No Subject]

Hey everyone,

First of all, thank you so much for this. It's been a really hard few days. For those of you unaware of what happened, Whitney and I had to very suddenly and unexpectedly put our beloved (and still rather young) dog down on Saturday. So we appreciate all the love that's being sent our way as we try to heal and distract ourselves from the grief.

Secondly, I need to apologize to everyone, as I've been a rather shadowy presence at best over the past few weeks. I've been around helping out with modly things, but my characters haven't really been. It's a combination of RL (I'm on an end-of-September deadline at work and exhausted after a summer of travel and change) and OOC stuff (going through one of those valleys with a few of my characters). I've missed a lot of intros, and I am really sorry to the new people and characters for that. Still not entirely past those issues, so it's possible I might shake up my roster a little further, but I'm attempting to make some headway.

Thanks guys. As always, feel free to IM if you're so inclined—it's familiargleam on AIM.

<3 Laurenpuff (Rosie, Dira, Niels, and Poppy)



[No Subject]

Lol I'm back at seven wtf. It's Rose. I can't. This is Pavel Jeong, have fun.




[No Subject]

Hi friends and strangers! It's Anne (Juliette's player) and despite swearing otherwise, I am back with a second. This here is Louis Weasley, Beauxbatons Reserve, and currently making his home in the 6th year Gryffindor dorms. You know his parents, you know his cousins, and now you're meeting him. (psst: his entire profile can be found here. )

Louis has a reputation as a troublemaker and a heartbreaker; the disaffected youth who cares too much; the personification of every Oasis song ever—you get the idea. He gives off a sullen, too-cool for school attitude, but it's all a lie. He needs friends the way a flower needs sunlight, otherwise he becomes all droopy and grumpy and miserable. As a friend Louis is loyal, protective, and dependent. He's much the same as a boyfriend—and there is no Veela influence in him despite what his dating history might suggest.

In many ways, Louis is his own worst enemy. He’s reckless and self-sabotaging, he acts first and then regrets it later. He's also gifted (or cursed) with the talent of always making the wrong decision for the right reason. He's gradually realizing that actions have consequences but it's a slow journey.

At first he was a bit out of place at Beauxbatons: he was a bit too impulsive and brash for the curriculum, with all the grace and elegance of a flobberworm. Over time he found his niche: an affinity for herbology and magical creatures, inter-mural quidditch to let off some steam, and perfected the sulking in corners persona. He's not booksmart. It's all about the hands-on and practical with Louis; anything theoretical makes his head hurt. He spent a summer with his Uncle Charlie at the Dragon Reserve in Romania; the experience changed his life and he now has his heart set on being a dragonologist.

Things he needs: FAMILY PLOTS FTW. Beauxbatons shenanigans and backstories! All the exs! People he fights for and people he fights with. People who turn his sullen frown upside down. Everything ever.

Aug. 10th, 2015



[No Subject]

Hey ya'll! My name is Sarah and I'm a 22 year old HP nerd, just like the rest of you I'm sure xD , just getting back into that RP life. It's been awhile since I've been in this world and lemme tell ya, I'm so excited. I might be rusty, so be gentle, but I'll try my best. Quick background, not that you guys care, I just quit my job at Starbucks and am working at a chiropractors office. Life is boring. Dull. I have a car I've named The Doctor, yeah I'm that nerd too, and my cat Carlos is my life. But let's get to my boy, shall we?

So. This is Reginald Kieran Derricks-Boot, stfu he knows his name sucks. He's a 7th year Ravenclaw Chaser and is a hottie who insists you call him Derrick. Anything else and he will punch your face off. Honestly. He's kind of a standoffish guy, his asshole dad Terry Boot is to blame. Yes. Derrick has daddy issues, but hardly anyone knows this, save for the 2-3 BFFs he's had since year one. He's a little cocky, sarcastic, doesn't censor himself a lot which means if you say something dumb he'll look at you like, 'dafuq' and probably say, 'the fuck?' before laughing at you. He doesn't know that he's coming off mean though! That's normal to him, being blatant and honest. His mum and step dad are both in the medical field, nurse and doctor, so they weren't really warm and cuddly raising him. So he's not that way all. Only to few few few people. Derrick is actually super smart, almost always excelling in his classes except Transfig, but thanks to the good looks and straight/zoned out face, most people assume he's a jock with no brains. Most of his free time is spent reading, studying, working out, boxing (yes ladies you can watch him getting sweaty outside practicing his boxing/kickboxing shit), brushing up on new medical stuff and....chillin' with friends I suppose. He's pretty laid back honestly, never ever high strung or overly excited, and if you take him in as a best friend, or even just a decent friend, he'll defend your honor. Seriously. If someone fucks with you, he will fuck them up to the best of his ability. He's a little bulldog.

That's a quick summary from a girl running on little sleep. SO. Derrick needs to fill a few lines xD

1. Ex-girlfriend, still close friends, from his fifth year I believe. Someone to keep him in check, doesn't put up with his snide comments and brash personality. Dated for six months, he broke up with her, but I'm assuming they were decent friends before since they're still friends now.
2. 2-3 BFFs who have been there since essentially day one. Have to be able to put up with his shit too, understand his backstory/family dramaz. Helped him through his woes.
3. People who hate him!!! People who think he's a dick and have gotten into close call fights with him or actual real fights? Not everyone can love his pretty little face.
4. Future lovers? Past lovers/flings? Bring me ideas, friends! I'm open to anything!

I'm so stoked to start RPing with you guys. You have no idea! I can't contain myself. <3333333



[No Subject]

Please run the button!

It adds: Pavel Jeong ([info]pvel), Louis Weasley ([info]unhesitant), and Reginald Boot ([info]smartish)!



[No Subject]

Dear students of Hogwarts,

Due to the usually seasonable weather for the next few days, Santiago can be seen outside at various points laying shirtless in patches of sun like a cat. Because holy crap it's a reasonable temperature to him now.

That is all and this has been a post.

Aug. 9th, 2015



[No Subject]

Hey guys it is Nathalie and just putting an ooc notice for ... IDK how long. My laptop charger met it's last leg yesterday and my battery has been gone for a while. I am going to call best buy today or tomorrow to get something done. Hopefully it doesn't take forever.

Until then ♡

(I will try to borrow my mom's charger or my Bros laptop but no promises)

Nathalie (Nevara, Lily, and Red)

Aug. 7th, 2015



[No Subject]

YO YO. This is the briefest hiatus notice, my dad is here for the weekend so I'm not sure how much time on the internet I'll have. I'll be back in action on Tuesday!

Aug. 1st, 2015



[No Subject]

Hello, and welcome to this intro post.

Kyle is the last Lagniappe chaser. He's trouble personified and is here to have a good time.

The first thing you should know about Kyle is that he's got some anxiety. He's never really been outside of Palo Alto, not for an extended period of time. He clams up easily, and has a tendency to forget to breathe when he gets worked up.

Kyle is the kind of person who is really content to let others take center stage. He can be manipulative, but only to get people to do things he's too lazy to do.

Kyle may not be the most vocal person on earth, but he might be one of the pickiest. He knows what he likes, and if he's asked to compromise on something, he simply won't. His outfits are planned out perfectly, his girlfriends look a certain way and his life will follow the path that he chooses. His picky nature extends to his classes, friends and extracurricular activities. For all of this, he is unapologetic.

Kyle, for all of his faults, turns out to be a very egotistical man. He thinks that he's great and feels that any contribution he makes in class or in his social group is a great service to everyone around him. Beyond that, he has a hard time accepting authority from anyone who isn't his friend, and he isn't afraid to tell people that. He was happy not to get the prefect badge, but internally, he feels that it was one of the dumbest decisions the staff made. If they had appointed him prefect, at least they could have controlled his complete lack of respect for school appointed authority.

I pretty much copied a lot of that straight from his profile.
People at Lag might remember him being really anxious when he first got to school and will probably know that his parents are total jerks who he doesn't like.

Come at me, bros. It's Jackie. I love you.

Jul. 30th, 2015



[No Subject]

Yeah so this happened. This is Rose! As you might have noticed, I've dropped Dora and Adrian because ... IDK, it wasn't working out. I thought I'd just chillax on characters for a while and then I got an idea for the Hogwarts PR and here we are. So anyway, here we go!


Jul. 29th, 2015




Please run the friend button! Jackie brings us Kyle Williams, Lagniappe Chaser & Rose brings us Adonis Lockhart, Hogwarts PR. Additonally, the button removes Dre Mazzarello.



[No Subject]

Hi guys!

Finally getting around to introducing Rhiannon Pascal (Slytherin 7th year) here. This is Ronnie, btw! Same contact info, blah blah blah.

So Rhiannon (or Rhia, if you're so inclined) is based off of North West -- yes, THE North West. Her dad is a fairly well-known hip-hop artist, while her mother is a socialite-turned-fashion icon. The media/paparazzi has been on her ass for years, so she is kind of a little bit immune to it now. She still thinks it's overwhelming, but doesn't care too much these days. Rhiannon's best friend is Nikeeta motherfucking Jordan and everyone is probably well aware of that. They have been besties since they were in diapers and ain't nothin' gonna change that. Rhiannon loves singing and dancing so she aspires to be some sort of musical artist in the future, so y'all better watch out for that. She is a lesbian, but she is neither secretive nor open about it. Most people already know, but she doesn't deny it now (like she used to years ago). Rhiannon is typically a nice girl, but she has grown to be slightly jaded regarding people because she couldn't tell whether people were using her for her family background or if they were genuinely nice to her. She is nice to people, but is also very quick to judge them and discuss about them with her close friends.

SO! She could use friends, acquaintances, enemies, ex-girlfriends, ex-boyfriends (before she came out of the closet, that is), and whatever else you guys can think of! ♥

Jul. 21st, 2015



[No Subject]

love potion pairs )



[No Subject]

Sup! This is Em with a superspeedy lunchtime intro. Apologize in advance for any typos, am on my phone. This dude here is Ole, 6th year Durmstrang muggleborn chaser from Norway whose parents are totally doing the raising a muggleborn wizard thing right. They are really supportive and involved and educated themselves and moved to oslo to be near the hub of things. They are awesome. He grew up on a farm and he has a seriously ginormoys cat named Odd who is so fluffy. He is in Ravenclaw and wants to be a teacher. He was always uncomfortable with the dark arts and likes that Hogwarts doesnt do all that. He likes having roommates! He is in the middle of a growth spurt and has grown two inches since he got to Hogwarts. He got dumped last year which is part of why he wanted to get out for a bit.

Read his bio for more info and give me plots !