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Oh Marvelous OOC

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So like [23 Jun 2014|12:36am]
I really want to do another fairy tale what_if but set in some stereotypical fairy tale kinda world, idk. Just like pick an archetype or actual fairytale character and ascribe it to your character? Nick is a motherfucking pirate, but that's all I know for sure so far. Anyway if nobody else wants to do it, that's cool, this is just my life and choices rn.

Background: Basing this loosely on Once Upon a Time, but there's maybe a lot of different 'kingdoms' of various stories/mythology so your character doesn't necessarily have to be from some Grimm classic fairy tale. The main kingdom setting could be the usual castles, kings queens, dark forests, magic~

[ viewing | June 23rd, 2014 ]
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