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Oh Marvelous

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Thunder is good, thunder is impressive [16 Jul 2015|02:55am]
Characters: Billy Kaplan, Jasper Sitwell
Setting: Sphere, SHIELD, interrogation room
Content: Language?
Summary: Billy Kaplan discovers he has powers

But it is lightning that does the work )

And it's my whole heart- [16 Jul 2015|03:33am]
Characters: Wanda, Wicked
Setting: A garden on the Sphere
Content: Teeny bit of gross, nothing else questionable
Summary: Wanda needs Wicked's soul expertise

Deemed and delivered a crime. )

Bend the metal in-to shapes that I know- [16 Jul 2015|10:02pm]
Characters: Cassie, Tony
Setting: A hospital
Content: Nothing questionable
Summary: Cassie finally has a chance to talk to Tony

And I run, I run, I run, further than before )

[ viewing | July 16th, 2015 ]
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