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Oh Marvelous

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Mantle [05 May 2014|12:46am]
Characters: Jasper, Captain Rogers and Jan
Setting: Out of business auto body shop, the Bronx, early morning
Content: Prooobably safe.
Summary: Steve and Jasper have been spending plenty of time together. They're blood brothers now.

the sun was up over the horizon )

Fair Game [05 May 2014|11:03pm]
Characters: Jasper, Nick and Raven
Setting: All around town like FedEx
Content: Nick Fury, probably violence (no animals will be harmed in the making of this thread. Simulated goat may be temporarily endangered and/or neglected).
Summary: Nick Fury, America's Most Wanted and a goat walk into a bar...

sharp increase in atmospheric anxiety )

[ viewing | May 5th, 2014 ]
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