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Oh Marvelous

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A room full of friends, a mouth full of cake Every present is for you and it feels pretty great [01 May 2014|11:49pm]
Characters:Wicked,Pietro,friends, Daisy!
Setting:Lensherr's apartment Friday night
Content:Birthday fun,birthday porn is allowed (if no one get's laid this party fails)possibly violence if they get attacked (if no one goes to the hospital this party fails)
Summary:It's Wicked's birthday something bad may happen, come at your own risk. We have beer and Never Have I Ever.

You're the man of the hour, the V.I.P. You get the first slice of the P-I-E, But first blow out the candles and make a wish Put a smile on, 'cause it's your birthday, bitch! )

[ viewing | May 1st, 2014 ]
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