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Oh Marvelous

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The things I've done in the world I've seen- [28 Apr 2014|02:59pm]
Characters: Danny, Colleen, Misty
Setting: New York City
Content: Nothing questionable
Summary: Temporarily beardy Danny returns to NYC after years in K'un-Lun, trying to figure out where he belongs.

I take one for the other, and work my way through this machine. )

Always we will fight as one [28 Apr 2014|08:12pm]
Characters: Janet Van Dyne, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, OTA Avengers (Past and Present, will add as you tag in)
Setting: Avengers Mansion (Remember that place?)
Content: Who knows?
Summary: See this. Avengers Assemble

'Til the battles won )

[ viewing | April 28th, 2014 ]
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