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Oh Marvelous

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Tell fast talking Fanny We're gonna pitch a ball Down to the union hall [23 May 2013|10:02pm]
Characters:Wicked,Kitty,Rogue, Jasper(?), Wanda, anyone else who wants in
Setting:24hrs before wedding in New Orleans
Content:Tequila,voodoo,maybe some violence, burlesque dancers with those nipple tassels...yeaaaah
Summary: Rogue Recalls Wicked's action during the course of her last night of freedom.

[Notes: The night is this! This is multi-thread so if youbwanna chat up other people at the party go for it. If you wanna pop into someone elses convo do it!]

We're gonna romp And trump till midnight We're gonna fuss And fight till daylight )

[ viewing | May 23rd, 2013 ]
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