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Oh Marvelous

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The Bermuda Triangle got tired of warm weather. It moved to Alaska. [24 Oct 2012|07:05pm]
Characters: Phil Coulson, Jasper Sitwell
Setting: Alaska, North of Fairbanks
Content: Cold, bitterness and vampires
Summary: Our boys need to be out of the way for an important announcement so they're sent off to fight vampires in the snow...obviously.

Now Santa Claus is missing. )

I don't ever want to let you down. I don't ever want to leave this town. [24 Oct 2012|08:43pm]
Characters: Avengers Assemble!
Setting: Our Avengers HQ Firehouse place
Content: Nothing questionable
Summary: Wanda calls an emergency meeting of the Avengers because there are so many feels after this.
Note: So here's a tagging order so no one has to post right after themselves- Wanda, Pietro, Spider-man, Steve, Jess, Jan, Clint

'Cause after all, this city never sleeps at night. )

[ viewing | October 24th, 2012 ]
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