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Oh Marvelous

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Climbin' through your window [30 Apr 2011|07:01pm]
Characters:Wicked, Tabs, Pepper, Happy, Baby Anthony, Nick and who ever else who would be involved for good reason.
Setting:NYC abandoned building conveniently overlooking the home of Happy and Pepper.
Content:Swearing and Betrayal
Summary:Magnus wants Anthony. Why? Because fuck you that's why! But all this ripping children away from their parents for no reason is getting to Wicked.

Snatchin' yo babies up! )

Nonnative [30 Apr 2011|09:57pm]
Characters: Daisy Johnson, Clint Barton, OTA!
Setting: East Harlem, afternoonish
Content: Some gore.
Summary: It's a nice day for a stroll and a bit of violence. Yes this is here now. Time travel.

a wailing siren went sailing by )

[30 Apr 2011|11:07pm]
characters: Daimon and Wanda
setting: NYC bookstore.
content: Violence.
summary: Demons attack a bookstore just because they can. Ah, and they may have some interesting news for Daimon.

The Devil was up to something. )

[ viewing | April 30th, 2011 ]
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