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Oh Marvelous

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Take me back to the place we knew before. [07 Dec 2009|02:14pm]
Characters: Spider-Man, OT anyone
Setting: New York City, dusk
Content: Patrol!
Summary: Spidey goes looking for trouble

Resound [07 Dec 2009|05:18pm]
Characters: Tommy, Billy, Cassie, Teddy and Boom Boom!
Setting: Downtown NYC, just before lunch
Content: Things that go boom!
Summary: The thus far assembled Young Avengers need to talk seriously about the future. And we know that can't go on too long.

or a hero's death )

Actuate [07 Dec 2009|06:44pm]
Characters: Tony and Pepper
Setting: Home, Malibu. Early morning.
Content: Probably misogyny.
Summary: Good morning, Ms. Potts.

brighter than New York )

[ viewing | December 7th, 2009 ]
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