Aug. 13th, 2017


Who: Brenda and Finn Collins
Where: Out and about in Oakdell
What: Meeting one another
Rating: TBD
Status: closed/ongoing

Since he wasn't getting sent home anytime soon, Finn had finally decided to get out of the apartment and go exploring the town. His roommate seemed like a nice enough kid but Finn didn't know how to be around nice people anymore. Too much had happened to him since they'd been sent down to earth from the Ark.

He was coming out of one of the clothing stores, not having bought anything but just wanting to get some sort of idea what clothing was worn in this time, in this little town. Not too different from what he had which made him feel relieved. He was busy thinking about the ways this place was different from the Ark and different from the earth he'd known but he dragged his thoughts away from that before he could get swallowed up again by the guilt of having left his friends back there to do. Clarke and Raven were smart. They'd figure something out. Some way to save everyone from being punished for his mistake.

He realized that someone was in front of him just before bumping into them and he looked up, a lost look on his face for a minute before he spoke. "Sorry - I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I didn't run into you did I?" he was pretty sure he'd stopped himself in time but he wasn't 100% sure.

Aug. 10th, 2017


Who: Thomas & Brenda
Where: Their Apt
When: After their convo on the net
What: Thomas wants to talk to Brenda.
Status: Closed/ongoing
Warnings: TBD

we should talk )

Aug. 8th, 2017


Who: Mal and Ben
Where: under 18 club
When: later in the day
What: She can finally say she loves him
Rating: TBD
Status: ongoing/closed

saying I love you )

Aug. 7th, 2017


private to Thomas

How have you been doing since you went back and saw Minho get taken away? We need to hang out soon though.. if you want to.

Jul. 30th, 2017


I need to get out more often and actually make new friends. I've been here awhile but since we have newcomers I want to re introduce myself. My name's Brenda, I'm from a horrible place before coming here. I hope I'll be able to meet everyone that showed up this time around.

(private to Thomas)

I feel like we need to do what we did back home. We need to actually explore and see what hidden secrets this place has. Are you in?


Who: Peter and Brenda
Where: near the Pier
When: evening
What: Peter was a-wandering!
Status: ongoing
Warnings: tbd

is anybody out there, is anybody listening )

Jul. 25th, 2017


Who: Brenda and Thomas
When: backdated awhile ago
Where: The Pier
What: Their first date
Rating: Possibly low

They've never seen anything like this. )

Jun. 30th, 2017


Who: Brenda and Thomas
Where: Their apartment
When: later this evening
Status: Closed/Ongoing
Rating: TBD

at least she was living with Thomas )

Jun. 22nd, 2017


Would anyone want to go exploring? I need to check this place out to make sure it's safe. Otherwise I'm never going to feel completely safe here.

Jun. 16th, 2017


Who: Thomas and Brenda
Where: Beach
When: After this.
What: Thomas and Brenda meet up, compare notes, etc.
Status: Finished
Warnings: Mentions of death.

She looked different. )

Jun. 15th, 2017


No.. why am I here? I want to go back where I was. It was so beautiful and I had someone special to me.. he's probably not even here.