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Jan. 22nd, 2008


Sound Off for January 22, 2008

Gooood evening! Post your word counts here!

For my part, I've got a nice 1051 word start on the next chapter of my novel.

Jan. 21st, 2008


Weekly Roundup - Week 3, January 15-21

Every week we do a round-up for everyone to crow about their wins and confess your failures. Maybe you didn't get the wordcount every day, but overall you made it, or maybe you haven't written a word since day one.

If you started on day one, you should have written 15,750 words in total since January 1, 2008. That's 5250 words a week for three weeks.

Tell us how you're doing! If you need help, ask for it.


Sound off for January 21, 2008

Wow, Monday. It's been a crazy, crazy day. But I wrote 1690 words and finished off a chapter. How did you guys do?

Jan. 20th, 2008


Sound Off for January 20, 2008

OMG, it's my anniversary. Did you guys write? ^_~

Jan. 19th, 2008


Sound Off for January 19, 2008

Whew, it's been a busy few days for me. Lessee, where was I...

I wrote 1473 words yesterday, and 918 tonight. Those last were like pulling teeth because I was really distracted, but my characters are in the middle of an interestingly confusing argument that I think will be pretty easy to pick up again when I'm no longer trying to carry on AIM conversations and write at the same time.

Jan. 16th, 2008


Sound off for January 16 (and 15), 2008

Yo! I didn't see a post go up yesterday, and I haven't seen one for today, either. Sound off, peoples!

Personally, I had a shining 244 words yesterday, and zippo today so far, but I'm intending to at least fix the latter now.

Jan. 14th, 2008


Weekly Round-up Post for Week 2 - January 8-14

Every week we do a round-up for everyone to crow about their wins and confess your failures. Maybe you didn't get the wordcount every day, but overall you made it, or maybe you haven't written a word since day one.

If you started on day one, you should have written 10,500 words in total since January 1, 2008.

Tell us how you're doing! If you need help, ask for it.


Sound off post for January 14, 2008

"When ideas fail, words come in very handy."
--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Hopefully we've all had both ideas and words, but words are easier to codify ^_^

Jan. 13th, 2008


Sound Off for January 13, 2008

Okay, and I guess the 12th too...

Yesterday, I sadly admit, I didn't write anything. I don't have very good excuses, just some distractions, and a lack of motivation.

However, today I wrote 788 words on a short story that had been languishing (I have far too many of those), and I'm pretty pleased with myself.

Jan. 11th, 2008


Sound Off for January 11, 2008

OMG, I am still sick, but I wrote anyway, and I remembered to do a sound off post, too! I must be doing better, my dripping nose to the contrary.



Sound Off for January 10, 2008

Was there a Sound Off yesterday? I didn't see it! I think I wrote 900~ words yesterday. And 808 today. I'm pretty pleased!

Jan. 8th, 2008


Sound off post for January 8, 2008

Week one is over, and now it's on to week two! If you feel like you didn't do as well as you wanted to last week, now's the time to get started with catching up. Don't try to do all your catch up in one night, though. If the goal is too overwhelming, you may procrastinate even more. Slow and steady is the watchword here.

How'd you do today?

Jan. 7th, 2008


Weekly Roundup - Week 1, January 1-7

At the end of each week, I like to post a special place to give an accounting of your week. Like with everything in Ni90, this isn't mandatory, but most people win some and lose some during the week, and it's nice to get a sense for where you stand.

So let us know how you're doing! Did you crash and burn? Did you write all seven days?

To be on track, you should have written 7 x 750 = 5250 words by the end of today.

How did you do?


Sound Off for January 7, 2008

I haven't seen a post pop up, so here you go! Declare your wordcounts here ^_^

Jan. 6th, 2008


Sound Off for January 6, 2008

Well, I don't see one yet, so I'm posting it! I wrote 933 words today--more than I expected, actually.

And I'll take this opportunity to introduce myself: Hi, I'm Clare, and right now I'm working on finishing last year's NaNo, then I'll move on to other things (short stories right now, possibly another novel... we'll see what happens). I'm really pleased that this community exists, because I tend to be easily very productive during NaNo, but not at all during the rest of the year, and I need some motivation to get me writing every day. You may have noticed that I haven't commented on any other sound off posts; I knew I wouldn't actually start until today, and thus didn't bother to comment saying I didn't write anything, especially since for a couple of days I was at my boyfriend's house and didn't even go online. But now I have joined your illustrious ranks! So tell me: how illustrious are you?

Jan. 5th, 2008


Sound Off for January 5, 2008

Today I bring you a quote:

Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwards.
--Robert Heinlein

Sound off for today!

Jan. 4th, 2008


Sound Off for January 4, 2008

Wow, I just realized I did the timewarp yesterday and put 2007 instead of 2008! Anyway, here is your sound off for today ^_^ I'm glad to see that people are having the stones to admit when they didn't write anything or missed the goal. That's an important (if sometimes painful) part of the process.

Now let's all get some words today! (Including me, lol...)

Jan. 3rd, 2008


Sound Off for January 3, 2007

I don't see this up yet, so here you go *grins*


Er...I should probably get on that myself...

Jan. 2nd, 2008


Sound Off for January 2, 2008

Wow, no sound off for today yet! Well, I had a rather busy day, but I did get my words done, so here is the post for the rest of you ^_^

Jan. 1st, 2008


Sound Off posts for January 1st, 2008

Welcome new people, and those who've been members for a while and have decided to participate. It's a new year, and it's time to get started!

I didn't get any questions on my post from yesterday, so I'm guessing everyone (other than me) already finished their words, right? ^_~ I see that someone's already taken me up on my offer to create a sound off post for themselves. Thank you [info]featheredwolf! Everyone should use that post to comment with their wordcount, and feel free to talk about issues you might be having or extra successes related to your noveling there as well.

You can also feel free to introduce yourself by making a post to the community. Generally, I try to discourage spamming the community with daily reports, since we have a place for that here, but everyone is welcome to introduce themselves, or ask for help, by making a post to the community at any time.

I guess I'll use this opportunity to do that for myself ^_^

I'm [info]chichirinoda and I'm not the one who came up with this idea. I began participating in Novel in 90 on LJ when it was first created exactly one year ago. I recently had been going through a 5-year stint of writer's block, which had finally broken the October before, and I had successfully completed NaNoWriMo, but then was floundering without having a daily goal. I've been participating since then, including maintaining my daily goal between official rounds, and when I removed my presence from LJ I asked for and received permission to run the IJ version of Ni90 over here.

I firmly believe that the rules of Ni90 should remain flexible, and that if you want to bend them in order to make things work better for you, that is certainly permitted. If you need a smaller goal, then do it. The point is to get people writing. Personally, my goal is 900 words per day, because I find that that is a more appropriate goal for me due to the speed at which I write. When I only push myself to 750, I stop right before I'm warmed up, but if I push to 900, I'll generally write more than 1000. It's an interesting little quirk that's entirely personal, and if you participate in Ni90, I'm sure you'll find out things like that about yourself.

I will be using this round of Ni90 to work on completing a novel that I started in that fateful November 2005. This is actually the second draft of the novel, but I've reworked it so much in between drafts that almost all of it is being written from scratch. I do personally allow myself to include other fiction writing to count towards my Ni90 goal, so there may be days when I'm writing a fanfiction story instead. As I said, we're quite flexible here.

However, if you feel that including other kinds of writing would allow you to escape writing that novel you've always wanted to write, I would strongly encourage you to only include the novel words in your total. You will have to police yourself, and pay attention to your own personal writing quirks to figure out what works and what doesn't *grins* I'm not your mom, and I'm not in your head, either.

As I said before, if you have any questions, or any problems, please don't hesitate to ask. I've had a lot of experience with learning how to motivate myself to write, and I've been very successful at it. I'm sure there are others on the community who are experienced as well and can give suggestions.

And now I'll turn it over to you before this becomes too tl;dr XDDD Besides, I need to get my words done.

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