Not Honest: An Original RPG

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April 10th, 2008

ex_fizzy664 @ 08:56 pm: Who: OPEN!
When: Wednesday Afternoon
Where: Moon Park Boutique, Camden

A little boutique in Camden is finally open for business!

Moon Park (the shop) is staffed by Moon Park (the person). Today's been slow, so it's given her lots of time to arrange the window with her newest fashions. Clothing, jewelry, accessories and shoes are her game, and only the newest, most fashionable, and most fabulous are acceptable. An eclectic selection is included here-- if it's cool, it's here. There's a little bit of something for everyone here.

For Moon, there's a hot cup of tea and a delicious batch of home-baked cookies sitting on a table near the counter! Well, okay, technically it's for the customers, but there haven't been any customers all morning, so who's to tell her not to eat them? She baked them herself-- she'd feel upset if nobody ate her cooking. With an oatmeal raisin cookie dangling out of her mouth, she hangs up her newest designs in a rack labeled "FRESH".

"C'mon, people," she mutters to nobody in particular. "You know you wanna..." Because it's damned cold outside. Gotta go in somewhere before they all freeze. She hopes.

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