Not Honest: An Original RPG

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May 22nd, 2008

submissiveangel @ 11:39 pm: A dinner date...
Who: Isabel, Vincent, Sam and Cassie
When: Wednesday Evening
Where: Petrus

Petrus. Isabel never looked at the menus here. She simply let Vincent order what he wanted to and she'd eat pretty much anything that was put in front of her. Tonight, it was a bounty of sumptuous foods and wines until she was filled to nearly stuffing. Still, Vincent insisted on her eating more until she protested that she was about to burst.

She'd had absolutely no doubt that Vincent could afford the lavish dinner he'd ordered and had placed in front of them, but she had a doubt that she'd be able to consume even a fourth of what he'd wanted her to eat. She knew that he didn't quite like her as skinny as she was now, but attempting to pack all of it on overnight was just reckless.

Giving Vincent a soft smile, she raised the fine linen napkin to her lips and wiped them before she spoke. "I'll be right back darling, I need to stretch my legs..." she gave a pointed look to the bathroom and slowly stood. Glancing across the restaurant, she caught sight of a dark head of hair and narrowed her eyes just so. There was a familiar feeling to the man sitting at the table with the lovely blond.

Ah yes. That was it. Infernal. Pursing her lips, Isabel left the table and headed to the ladies' room, glancing back once before she disappeared.

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March 23rd, 2008

heartofanangel @ 09:55 pm: Who: Cassie and David
Where: Some cafe?
When: Sunday evening

It had, she realized, been a while since she'd had a date. An actual date type date, with someone vaguely like her own age. And while she was still feeling a twinge or two of guilt about it, Sam got to play around, didn't he? So why shouldn't she?

She'd still washed off David's number before he came home though. Which wasn't until one in the morning.

She slipped out of the house forty five minutes early to swing by the studio and change at the last minute. Just because she decided she didn't have an appropriate skirt to show off her legs, and it was warm, so why not? And while she was there... no. Theatre makeup was just over the top. A touch here, some accent on her eyes and... there. She made it to the cafe five minutes early, even. Who said girls spent too much time primping?

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March 21st, 2008

coyote_boy @ 01:20 pm: Who: David and whomever
Where: Streets
When: Midafternoon on Friday

He'd been in London only a few days and already he was antsy. Of course, that was because of the full moon. He'd spent the afternoon before wearing himself out with exercise so that when the time came to change, his coyote-self spent much of the time sleeping. So at least his apartment wasn't wrecked. He'd still be there, keeping in hiding until Sunday, at the earliest except for one small thing.

He had no food.

David hadn't yet stocked his cabinets and he couldn't stay holed up inside without something to eat. Well, he could, but the results wouldn't be pretty, especially when he changed. Usually, he would have thought ahead about this and it wouldn't be a problem but there was something about intercontinental moving that had thrown him off. He still was getting caught up with the time change. He supposed he should be glad that time zones didn't affect his freakishness in unpredictable ways. But still. Food.

Hence why David was walking briskly down the street in search of a market or convenience store or something to pick up enough things to get him by until after the full moon. "This is really getting ridiculous," he snarled to himself just under his breath.

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