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May. 26th, 2015


Story so Far

When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world — "No, you move."
The Story So Far
This Game begins exactly 6 months after the Events of Age of Ultron. Here is a breakdown of what Tony Stark & Avengers did following the fallout of Ultron, and what the public might know about the incident and the Avengers involvement

-- Within 24 hours, a press release from Stark Industries would've expressed sympathy for the worldwide tragedies and assured that relief efforts were underway. There would've been initial confirmation that Stark tech was involved in some of the events and assurance that more detailed information would be forthcoming.

-- Within 72 hours, relief efforts via Stark Charities and the Maria Stark Foundation would've been dispatched to include establishment of emergency shelters, food banks, cleanup workers and mobilization of medical personnel. At that time, Tony would've been releasing a personal statement reporting that experimental technology from his personal lab at Stark Industries had been misappropriated by a hostile force, used in combination with HYDRA technology, and had become a worldwide threat to which the Avengers had responded. He would've been explicit in informing that the technology was nothing being produced by Stark Industries or en masse, and that the security lapse was his own fault and an egregious oversight.

-- Going forward in additional statements, Tony would've been consistent in reporting that the experimental work was his own, not involving any of his staff (and taking pains not to mention Bruce), and that it was an outreach of his efforts to mobilize a robotic peacekeeping and monitoring force. He would make it clear that additional work on that project had been terminated, that no further robots would be produced in his labs or allowed to interact with (or menace) the public, and that all rogue technology had been destroyed during the Avengers' action as viewed by the world.

-- At no point would Tony have implicated any teammates by name. Statements regarding the destruction in Johannesburg would've made it clear that the Hulk had been under coercion by an outside force and that Iron Man's efforts were aimed at containment. Apologies would be issued and relief efforts would continue, and there would be very limited disclosure with regard to the technology seen in use when attempting to contain the Hulk as part of a plan that had been previously established and carefully thought out to address public safety in the event of emergency.

-- Regarding the action in Sokovia, Wanda and Pietro's names would not have been disclosed. Statements would indicate that "local heroes" had been instrumental in assisting the Avengers' efforts, but Tony/Stark Industries would not be confirming or denying their identities or any personal information. Tony would, within approximately a month, reported his plans to step down as an active Avenger in order to better devote himself to cleanup and relief efforts and addressing the security oversights within his own work. Rollouts on security patches and new software for most of his products would've started around that time, just to address public concern about any technology having vulnerabilities or glitches or being prey to whatever "oversight" caused the issues he'd been mentioning to this point.

Information regarding the Avengers' changing lineup and ongoing involvement with any peacekeeping efforts would've been handled separately, as a separate issue to anything involving Stark technology. Steve would've been a public face for those announcements, though at no point would information about the location or contents of the new upstate facility have been shared. SHIELD would've been lauded as taking part in rescue efforts with the citizens of Sokovia, and it would've been relayed at this time that Tony is supportive of SHIELD's efforts to rebuild and make positive steps forward in re-establishing themselves as an intelligence and peacekeeping force under new leadership, with more transparency and government oversight.



When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world — "No, you move."

This game begins six months after the events of Age of Ultron.

Thanks to Captain America's actions in CA:TWS, all of SHIELD's files have leaked to the public. What that means, is that there is more public knowledge about what happened during the Battle of New York, the Mandarin's attacks, Extremis and the presidential kidnapping, the Convergence and the invasion of Dark Elves. This information, combined with what Stark's retirement from the Avengers and what he has released about the Hulk incident in South Africa and the Ultron attack on Sokovia is beginning to lead the public to question the actions of superheroes and the subject of transparency in the issue of world security.

This is an AU road to civil war GPSL, loosely following available MCU canon information about the upcoming film


Premise/Game Info

When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world — "No, you move."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus bibendum nibh ut sapien ultricies vehicula. Nulla lacinia mi eu augue pulvinar volutpat. Aliquam ultricies purus at placerat pulvinar. Maecenas mattis libero sed lorem finibus ornare. Praesent nisl enim, hendrerit luctus justo eget, egestas rhoncus dui. Quisque aliquam, dui non auctor semper, odio velit imperdiet metus, eget suscipit urna dui nec dui. Donec vulputate euismod nisi vel venenatis. Pellentesque dapibus erat tellus, sed tincidunt elit pulvinar ut. Nulla ligula elit, vulputate sit amet lacinia a, luctus sit amet nunc.

Quisque nec ante tortor. Nam egestas odio sed quam congue varius ut quis sem. Maecenas posuere orci a justo aliquet, at auctor tortor varius. Proin vitae neque ligula. Integer tempor placerat dui, quis consectetur lectus pretium sit amet. Aenean pulvinar laoreet maximus. Cras maximus dapibus felis, sit amet venenatis nulla feugiat vel. Ut at sodales felis. Sed consequat eros gravida dapibus pretium. Sed ultricies nibh erat, in facilisis diam porttitor id. Maecenas pulvinar at ipsum a tempor.

Etiam sagittis ligula in nisl gravida condimentum. Mauris vehicula aliquet tortor ut bibendum. Maecenas at tristique dui, id aliquet erat. Nulla scelerisque libero ac ultrices tempor. Nullam nec scelerisque mi. Donec hendrerit leo ut nibh facilisis, eget aliquet ipsum semper. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis lacus elit, rhoncus vitae vulputate vel, dapibus vitae felis. Curabitur non finibus tortor. Mauris at laoreet felis. Nullam vulputate semper tortor, pulvinar dictum elit congue eget.



May. 19th, 2015


Cast List

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