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May. 30th, 2016


WHO: Mika and Else
WHEN: May 30, Late Afternoon
WHERE: Common Room
WHAT: Mika is angry about non-equality in the sports world and Else stumbles in on her rant. FEMINISM ENSUES.
RATING: F for Feminist ;P Also probably PG-13 for much much language.
OPEN: Potentially at the end (Dex, Chester, or Niko)

This was such bullshit )

Jul. 31st, 2012



>>Bitch, I have some tequila and limes with your name on them. Come back to the room pronto so I'm not drinking alone.

Sent a few minutes later >>Bring food with you. I'm starving.

Jul. 5th, 2012


The following were waiting for Amelie when she returned from classes in the afternoon:

Gift 1
Gift 2
Gift 3
Gift 4

There was also a card including the following:

"Little Lie,

I hope you've been having a wonderful day today. Sorry these are late, but we all know how shipping can be. I hope you like everything, though don't feel bad telling me if you don't. The last is a little something extra for sweetness because I couldn't let your brother have ALL the glory. ;) Have fun with your day, and I'll cover for anything that happens where he's concerned. ;)

Love ya kid,

Jul. 2nd, 2012


Text to Aerinn

We need to hang out and talk about this ridiculous marriage business. I feel like talking, or drinking, is better than punching people. Thoughts?

Jun. 25th, 2012


Who: Tallia and OTA
Where: Dorms - Varrick
What: Interaction/setting up her fathers funeral
When: Now
Rating: Med.
Open: Yes.
Notes: It’s a little short cause Fi is tired and IJ is sucking her soul.
Status: In progress

She‘s in it to win it, don‘t trust her for a minute. )

May. 17th, 2012


Who: Leonidas and Mika
Where: Outside in the sunshine.
What: Pregnancy Scare / Monthly Plot
When: Sometime during the day
Open: No, but someone has to overhear it.
Rating: Moderate.
Always there for you. )

May. 16th, 2012


Text to Aerinn

Hey. So. Yeah. Crisis kinda happening here, but first.... Are you okay? I can eat Gossip Bitch if you'd like.

Mar. 4th, 2012


WHO: Mika and Dex
WHEN: Backdated to Friday night/Early Saturday
WHERE: Mika's room.
WHAT: Mika has a breakdown. Dex is consoling her.
OPEN: Not this time <3

Feb. 15th, 2012


Delivered Valentine's Day. (Niko's never late, yo!)

Tegan: Flowers, Candy, Squishy, Gift ONE, Gift TWO [Along with an invitation to join him for dinner and a date]

Mika: Flowers, Candy, Gift

Aerinn: Flowers, Candy

Andie: Candy, Gift

Feb. 9th, 2012


Here it is Ladies! Its time for the boy toy auction! To remind everyone, this is not a promise of making out, sex or hooking up in general. This is that winner get the pleasure of their boy toys company for a day. Whether that means a date or just making that boy a salve for the day it doesn't matter but it doesn't go beyond any boy's comfort level! Below the cut is the list of characters being auctioned, as well as a listing of IC and OOC character rules for the auction (Callie we love you for this AMAZING idea!)

You Read The Preview Now Its Time To BID! )