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May. 5th, 2013


Another Hospital Thread

Hey guys. I know this is few days late but lets say this was posted a couple days ago. ok? COol! Lets do all the after rescue hospital threads here! Each of the rescued students have their own private rooms and everyone is held in the hospital for at least two days despite the level of their injuries.

Apr. 24th, 2013


Another Kidnapping thread

Hey peeps! for the sake of organization lets put any thread dealing with the kidnapping BUT by people that are still at the school. So lets put the hospital threads, freaking out guardians and friends, and general mayhem here!

Once the kidnapping was discovered the school went in lock down. The only ones allowed out of the school is the professors and obviously the guardians that refuse to be held back. The hospital security is also tight with only a few visitors allowed.

Apr. 23rd, 2013



First for the sake of our sanity we have moved the date for the kidnappings.

Student are taken though out the day today and tonight. ALL students being kidnapped have been taken by 10 pm. But its not until tomorrow morning that its confirmed that students are actually missing.

The targeted students were sent a message from a friend asking them to come in to town. Each student was asked to come to different places, so it wouldn't be suspicious if they compared places. Once they arrived a spell is quite placed on them that prevents any bonded guardians from feeling what the royals are experiencing. they were attacked from behind by several people. The kidnappers have lots of people involved to handle the more powerful students. Some students do escape the kidnappers but not without injury and some others are injured. The kidnappers had no interest in the non royal students that might accompany the targeted ones but they didn't hesitate to injure or take them anyway.

After being kidnapped, the students are held in a large one room cabin in the middle of the woods (NOTE: DO NOT READ THE LATIN!!!!)several miles away from school. The room is large and sparsely furnished. Each of the students are tied with chain either to the wall or the floor. they are constantly under watch by a guard that changes about every hour. They are fed twice a day and have to request to be taken to the bathroom. Communication with the kidnappers depends on which kidnapper is watching them. Some refuse to talk to them at all and others are a bit more abusive. there are a couple that rather enjoy fucking with the minds of their prisoners (Usually the girls)

OOC: Feel free to start posting threads here! You can post the actually being taken thread or being held in captivity threads. People realizing that people are missing! or any of the above! HAVE AT IT PEEPS!

As a reminder here are the volunteered peeps ... ) ... but feel free to throw more peeps in the taken and hurt categories if you want!