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Jul. 14th, 2019



WHO: Carmine & Marty
WHEN: Saturday afternoon
WHERE: Marty's dorm
WHAT: Carmine goes to try to apologize and explain some things to Marty.
RATING: I'm only putting this here to annoy Heather


May. 12th, 2019


Thread: Malory & Brax

Who: Malory and Brax
Where: Brax's apartment
When: Saturday Evening
What: Shedding light on the truth can be a bitch but distraction can help

Before the truth will set you free, it will piss you off )
Tags: , ,

May. 3rd, 2019


Thread: Brea & Logan

Who: Brea and Logan
When: Friday late afternoon
Where: Brea's Room
What: hanging out - maybe more

whats next? )


Thread: Garrett & Nacola

Who: Garrett and Nacola (with others)
When: After the Billboard Awards - Wed
Where: Las Vegas
What: Garrett has another surprise

we're going to the chapel and we're gonna get married )

Feb. 19th, 2019


Saffron & Pollux - Valentine's Day

Who: Saffron and Pollux
Where: An abandoned Mansion outside the city
When: Valentine's day
What: Urban Exploring Holiday

Go Exploring )

Feb. 18th, 2019


Thread: Memphis and Storm

Who Memphis and Storm
When: Valentine's Day
Where: Hotel in Downtown Mystic Viel
What: Valentines day scavenger hunt.

Can you find me? )

Feb. 17th, 2019


Thread: Bailey & Saylor

Who: Saylor and Bailey
When: Valentine's day 7 PM
Where: Bailey's Dorm
What: A Valentine's Day Date

Happy Heart's Day )


Thread: Eliza & Saya

Who: Eliza & Saya
When: Valentine's Day 6:30 PM
Where: Its a surprise
What: A first date!

Why am I so damn Nervous!? )


Thread: Malory & Brax

Who: Malory & Braxton
When: Sunday, Feb 17th 11 am
Where: Malory's Penthouse apartment
What: Morning after a night out could have gone very badly

the morning after )


Thread: Garrett and Nacola

Who: Garrett and Nacola
Where: Restaurant in LA
When: Valentines Day
What: Valentines is for romance and big questions

Please be Mine )

Feb. 11th, 2019


BACKPOST: Nov. 2nd | Frankie & Jae

WHO: Frankie & Jae
WHEN: November 2nd
WHERE: Las Vegas | The Waldorf Astoria
WHAT: Frankie & Jae got married.
RATING: Sexy times ahead.

All I wanna do is kick it with you )

Feb. 6th, 2019


Malachi & Eliza

Who: ELiza & and Malachi
WHere: Malachi's dorm
When: A few days after Blood Moon
What: A conversation is needed

Sibling support )

Jan. 27th, 2019


Thread: Nissa and Saya

Who: Nissa and Saya
When: The day after the Super Blood Moon
Where: Nissa's dorm
What: Saya needs to talk some things out with her older sister

Can we talk? )

Jan. 15th, 2019


Backdated Thread: Nissa and Lights

Who: Nissa and Lights
When: Christmas Night
Where: Light's dorm
What: A surprise Christmas together

Christmas is for family... But sometimes they suck )


Thread: Nacola and Roxy

Who: Roxy and Nacola
Where: Roxy's room
When: A few days after the Bloodmoon
What: Roxy really needs to talk something out

A safe place to talk )

Dec. 20th, 2018


Chaos & Ajay

Who: Chaos and Ajay
Where: Ajay's Dorm
When: December 20th about 3 AM
What: Confessions and DTR!!

Feelings are stupid )

Dec. 17th, 2018


Crimson & Kalf

WHo: Crimson and Kalf
Where: The woods just outside of town
When: Early Morning
What: A first meeting

Sneaking up on armed people isn't safe )


Sahara And Dallas

Who: Sahara and Dallas
When: Friday Night; Early November
Where: Its a surprise!
What: A first REAL date
Rating: I have no idea. Im not even going to try to guess

Slightly out of order first date )

Dec. 15th, 2018


Rea & Dacre

Who: Rea & Dacre
When: SOme time in the middle of the night on Thursday / Friday morning
Where: Somwhere in the castle
What: She is very lost and attempting to save herself.

How did I even get here? )
Tags: , ,

Dec. 2nd, 2018


Brea & Logan

Who: Logan and Brea
When: Saturday late afternoon
Where: Brea's Dorm
What: Video Games and Hanging out

You probably know way more about this than I do... )

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