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Jun. 29th, 2008


D.Grayman, Anita/Cross, "Games"

Title: Games
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Fandom: D.Grayman
Pairing/characters: Anita/Cross
Rating: PG13/R
Prompt/challenge you're answering: * General Cross Marian and Anita play a game or sport together.

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D.Grayman, Rinali/Miranda, "Hope"

Title: Hope
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Fandom: D.Grayman
Pairing/characters: Rinali, Miranda
Rating: PG13
Prompt/challenge you're answering: * Miranda Lotte and Rinali: "Things will get better. I promise."

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D.Grayman, Rinali/Fou

Title: Sky High
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Fandom: D.Grayman
Pairing/characters: Rinali, Fou
Rating: PG13
Prompt/challenge you're answering: * Rinali and Fou: it's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine

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D.Grayman, Kanda/Fou, "Rough"

Title: Rough
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Fandom: D.Grayman
Pairing/characters: Fou, Kanda
Rating: PG13
Prompt/challenge you're answering: * Kanda and Fou, hurt/comfort of any sort

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D.Grayman, Tykki Mick/Rinali

Title: Demon in my View
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Fandom: D.Grayman
Pairing/characters: Tykki Mick/Rinali
Rating: R/NC17
Warnings: slightly disturbing mental content
Prompt/challenge you're answering: * Tykki Mick and Rinali: love is blindness / I don't want to see / won't you wrap the night around me

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D.Grayman, Miranda/Sokaro, "Intoxication"

Title: Intoxication
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Fandom: D.Grayman
Pairing/characters: Miranda Lotte/Winters Sokaro
Rating: R/NC17
Prompt/challenge you're answering: * Miranda Lotte/Winters Sokaro, sex under the influence

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Jun. 28th, 2008


D.Grayman, Cloud Nine/Anita, "bonds"

Title: bonds
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Fandom: D.Grayman
Pairing/characters: Cloud Nine/Anita
Rating: R
Prompt/challenge you're answering: * Cloud Nine/Anita, bondage

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Jun. 24th, 2008


D.Grayman, Moore Hesse/Rinali Li, "What Good Girls Do With Pastries"

Title: What Good Girls Do With Pastries
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Fandom: D.Grayman
Pairing/characters: Moore Hesse/Rinali Li
Rating: PG13/R
Prompt/challenge you're answering:* Moore Hesse/Rinali, food kink

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D.Grayman, Fou/Tykki Mick, "Professional Opinion"

Title: Professional Opinion
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Fandom: D.Grayman
Pairing/characters: Fou, Tykki Mick
Rating: PG13/R
Prompt/challenge you're answering: * Fou and Tykki Mick with the title, "Professional Opinion."

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d.grayman, Miranda/Anita

Title: Riding Out the Storm
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Fandom: D.Grayman
Pairing/characters: Miranda Lotte, Anita
Rating: PG
Prompt/challenge you're answering: * Miranda Lotte and Anita with the title, "Riding out the Storm."

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Jun. 21st, 2008


D.Grayman, Cloud 9/Rinali

Title: approach
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Fandom: D.Grayman
Pairing/characters: Cloud Nine/Rinali
Rating: PG13/R
Prompt/challenge you're answering: * Rinali and Cloud Nine: "Don't make me come over there."

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D.Grayman, Moore Hesse, General Cross

Title: Smoke
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Fandom: D.Grayman
Pairing/characters: Moore Hesse, General Cross
Rating: PG13/R
Prompt/challenge you're answering: * Moore Hesse and General Cross Marian have something to celebrate.

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Jun. 14th, 2008


D.Grayman, Kanda/Cloud Nine

Title: Lessons
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Fandom: D.Grayman
Pairing/characters: Kanda/Cloud Nine
Rating: PG13/R
Prompt/challenge you're answering: * Kanda needs help that only Cloud Nine can provide.
A/N: I had some wierd little backstory in my head that she helped him devise the attack we see early in the manga but that's not terribly relevant.

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Jun. 6th, 2008


D.Grayman, Anita, Komui Li

Title: Cages
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Fandom: D.Grayman
Pairing/characters: Anita, Komui Li
Rating: PG13
Prompt/challenge you're answering: * Anita/Komui Li, captivity scenario (kidnapping, prison guard/inmate, etc)

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Title: Knowledge
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Fandom: D.Grayman
Pairing/characters: Rinali Li, Anita
Rating: PG13
Prompt:* The beginning of Rinali and Anita's passionate love affair.
A/N: I'm not sure exactly how this fits with the prompt, but this was what came to me when I was pondering it. Eek.

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D.Grayman, Miranda Lotte/Fou

Title: The Long Halls
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Fandom: D.Grayman
Pairing/characters: Miranda Lotte/Fou
Rating: R
Warnings: excessive angst
Prompt/challenge you're answering: * Miranda Lotte/Fou, first time

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Jun. 2nd, 2008



Title: Rewind
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Fandom: D.Grayman
Pairing/characters: Allen Walker, Miranda Lotte
Rating: PG
Prompt/challenge you're answering: * Miranda Lotte and Allen Walker: the memory cannot keep me warm / but it never leaves me cold

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