13 December 2010 @ 12:00 am
hohoho fest gift | for [info]graspthethorn  
Title: Roses and Cinnamon
Author: [info]amberbluebell
Recipient: [info]graspthethorn
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Simone/Max
Summary: She closes her eyes as he snakes his arms around her waist. “Let me go,” she objects weakly, but tilts her head obligingly as he dips his down close.
Rating: PG
Warning(s): SIMONE/MAX
Word Count: 560
Author's Notes: Oh, god. Of all the possibilities, it just had to be von Altencest, didn’t it? *facepalm* ONLY FOR YOU, ROSE! <333

Smooches to S for beta-ing. Thank you!

Roses and Cinnamon )
11 December 2010 @ 01:00 am
hohoho fest gift | for [info]amberbluebell  
Title: Icons
Artist: [info]klutzerina
Recipient: [info]amberbluebell
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Deniz/Roman/Marc, Simone/Florian, Roman/Axel, Roman/Richard, Jenny/Roman, Jenny/Lars
Count: 30
Artist's Notes: 1 set of 20 Black & White De/Ro/Ma icons, 1 set of 10 assorted pairing icons in colour. Credit for the lighting textures used in the black and white icons to innocent_lexys.

07 September 2010 @ 09:59 pm
Birthday present for the lovely [info]giorgiakerr  
Title: What She Came For
Pairings: Richard/Simone, Richard/Roman (Yes, again. *g*)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 500
Summary: "She’d known Richard always had a certain affection for him, from the very start."
A/N: "Does Richard do sexytimes with everyone in the pool?" Oh, Giorgia. *sigh* You had to go and plant ideas in my head of a version of ep805 where Roman is in the pool with Richard, not Celine, didn't you? You just had to make me want to actually write fic about that, didn't you? THIS IS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU, GIORGIA! It isn't quite what I initially planned it to be, but at least I wrote something! (Apologies for the likely rubbishness. I abandoned it halfway through, and only managed to get back to it this evening. BUT I WAS DETERMINED TO FINISH IT ESPECIALLY FOR YOU. AND THAT'S MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE QUALITY OF THE RESULT, Y/Y? <33333)

What She Came For
Current Mood: accomplished
19 July 2010 @ 10:50 pm
Fanfic: Begegnungen  
Titel: Begegnungen
Autor: [info]antiteb 
Charaktere: Simone/Florian
Worte: 1700
Rating: PG-13 wegen Andeutung von Masturbation
Warnung: Andeutung von sexuellem Inhalt zwischen einem Minderjährigen und einer erwachsenen Frau
Inhalt: Simone versucht Florian zu widerstehen.
Disclaimer: Mir gehört absolut gar nichts oder ich würde Deniz und Roman und Florian zu den Hauptfiguren machen und mich selbst auf ner kleinen Insel zur Ruhe setzen und den ganzen Tag nur Fanfiction schreiben/lesen und AWZ schauen.
A/N: Vielen lieben Dank an meine Beta-Leserin Anne, die sich meine Geschichten immer wieder durchliest und mir mit Kommata und Grammatik hilft! *g* (Und die inzwischen von DeRo träumt, obwohl sie kein Fan ist!!!) Und ehrlich, ich habe keine Ahnung woher diese FloSi- Faszination kommt...

Hier geht's zur Geschichte!
Current Mood: curious