14 December 2010 @ 12:00 am
hohoho fest gift | for [info]4nn4  
Title: Eye on Essen
Author: [info]spaghettitoes
Recipient: [info]4nn4
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Constanze, Jenny, Ingo, Florian, Tom, Claudia, Ben, Vanessa, Deniz, Roman, unnamed extra, original character. Tom/Flo, Vanessa/Extra, Deniz/Roman.
Summary: One of the employees of the Steinkamp centre gives us an inside view on what happened around episodes 995-999.
Rating: Soft R
Warning(s): Creative, slightly stereotypical, character insight.
Word Count: 4,391
Author's Notes: Beta’d by my patient darling who puts up with so much!

Eye on Essen )
27 September 2010 @ 09:26 pm
Title: Silence
Rating: G?
Word Count: 640
Summary: Tom misses Ben. Max misses Tom. Ben misses all the fun.
A/N: Cracky commentfic accidentally launched by the To-Do List here, and the awesome icons by [info]vitacrudelis which can be found here. (And I'd like to say that I was pimping these two things, but I'm not - I'm actually just making excuses for the fact that this story, you know, exists. *facepalm* Also, I know NOTHING about kendo, so feel free to mock me relentlessly if something's wrong.) This is AU on like seven different levels and to think I never wrote crack before this awesomely ridic fandom swallowed my brain whole.

Fic under the cut )

Uhm, okay, so I think that we all went totally stark-raving mad over the past few weeks, what with all the bizarro inter-shipping and AU-inventing and combining and bouncing-off of each other's madness. It's like one giant web of interconnected nonsense, and I heart it!
Current Mood: ridiculous
18 September 2010 @ 03:48 pm
Fic: Not That Girl  
Title: Not That Girl
Pairing: Ben/Maximilian
Rating: G
Word Count: 250
Summary: "Ben supposes he should feel a bit guilty for leaving his new wife at home, alone, to come and see his previous lover."
A/N: OMG. IDEK. This is crappy comment!fic written for [info]giorgiakerr, then [info]aldiara told me to post to the asylum and I am powerless to say no to our totalitarian overlords. Also, the title is all Giorgia's fault and makes no sense without this song. (BTW, Giorgia, you are going to icon that, right? *grabby hands* <33333)

He can't even pretend he has a good excuse to be here tonight. )

Can you tell I didn't really know how to end it? *g* I assume your imaginations can fill in the porn I'm incapable of writing what happens next.
Current Mood: amused