sunsetdawn20 ([info]sunsetdawn20) wrote in [info]no7_awz on May 20th, 2011 at 04:12 am
fate tends to make up for missed chances [roman/axel]
title: fate tends to make up for missed chances - or axel and the elevator take 2
characters/pairings: roman/axel, references to roman/deniz, deniz/other
rating: nc-17
word count: 900
summary: Roman and Axel get another chance in a stuck elevator. Set in the current storyline, but there’s only one vague reference, because this is shameless PWP, really.

A/N: Hi all, I'm new here but I posted an AWZ comment ficathon thread on my livejournal account yesterday. So far it's just my friend and I, so it would be awesome if maybe others could join in. :)
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