Lilith ([info]lilithilien) wrote in [info]no7_awz on May 18th, 2011 at 10:41 pm
Drabble Day Results

Drabble Day was a huge success! You posted 100 drabbles in 24 hours (and some more that straggled in late), which I think is pretty darn impressive! Thanks to every single one of you who participated, whether you were writing yourself or cheering in the comments - YOU ALL ROCK BEYOND BELIEF!

And the individual winners for most drabbles are:

Third place - three people tied for this slot with 8 drabbles each: [info]momogermany, [info]miss_lovelace and [info]winterlover!

Second place with 14 drabbles goes to [info]amo_amas_amat (who also deserves mention for her theme running through the entire fest)!

With 27 drabbles, first place goes to [info]aldiara!

She was awarded a 3D version of this magically vanishing chocolate in a private ceremony. Other prizes will be awarded in person next month.

Thanks again to EVERYBODY who participated!! I hope you all had a good time, and I hope you'll join us again if we ever succumb to another such bout of madness. WHICH WILL NOT BE SOON OMG NO!
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