16 May 2011 @ 08:51 am
Drabble Day: Prompt No. 10  

Greetings from your morning drabble mod. What prompt are we on? Ten? Really? You guys are insane, it's like you were writing every hour or something!!!

No reason to stop now. Prompt No. 10 is: 20 YEARS AGO
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Aldi: Actor: Tatjana profile[info]aldiara on May 16th, 2011 06:54 am (UTC)
The baby was crying again. Veronika was so tired she felt dizzy. She'd been at work in the morning, then at uni all day. Now it was midnight and of course the damn kid stopped squalling the second Marian came home.

"He hates me," she said, near tears. Marian stroked black fuzz from Deniz's forehead, frowning.

"Don't be daft, he doesn't hate you."

"He does, just like the rest of your damn family. When are things going to get better?"

I'm fucking nineteen. Life's supposed to be fun.

Marian pulled her close with his free arm. "Soon, Vero. Really soon."


Karin was on the porch dragging the suitcase with the broken wheels, with Roman on its other side, trying to help. The bruise was livid purple on his cheek; he flinched when his father stepped outside.

"Karin, please. Come back in before someone sees you. What a spectacle over nothing."

He grabbed for the suitcase; sighed when she balked. "I won't hurt him. Promise." His fingers reached out hesitantly, ruffling Roman's hair. "You're okay, right?"

The boy looked wary, but he nodded.

Much, much later Karin realised how stupid she was. She should have secured the same promise for herself.


Richard brought her a diamond necklace: amends for shagging the au pair. Simone tossed it on the floor, where Vanessa found it, gurgling happily as she swatted it clumsily across the floor, then crawled after it.

Watching her daughter play, Simone considered the logistics of leaving. A plane to Hamburg and her mother would be no problem. But there was Jennifer's competition next week, and that Roschinski woman who trained her would ask awkward questions if Simone withdrew Jenny now.


The last time, Richard said. Simone straightened, smoothed back her hair, and decided to believe him.

One last time.
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geekchick1013: AWZ Pensive Deniz[info]geekchick1013 on May 16th, 2011 03:56 pm (UTC)
Re: Promises
Oh man. These are so good. I love the contrast of the three women, and how in the end the only one who DOES leave is the one who SHOULDN'T. And just, GAAAAAAAAAAAH *squishes Deniz & Roman & Vanessa & Jenny all to bits*
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Momo: gay figure skater by shellykitty[info]momogermany on May 16th, 2011 07:06 pm (UTC)
Re: Promises
Oh my god, those drabbles are so heartachingly sad and lovely. They all got to my heart, most of all the one about the Wild family. I really want to send a flying horse around to get Mama Wild and little Roman out of there. They deserve so much better!
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Christine[info]spaghettitoes on May 16th, 2011 09:38 pm (UTC)
Re: Promises
Oh! I'm tired and bleary eyed but I have to wibble and cuddle you for this.
Beautifully sad sweetie.
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winterlover: AWZ - Roman sad hug[info]winterlover on May 21st, 2011 05:22 pm (UTC)
Re: Promises
Three different women, three different lives and three different ways to hurt.
<3 <3 <3
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