16 May 2011 @ 06:58 am
Drabble Day: Prompt No. 8  


Prompt No. 8 is: Fire & Ice.
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Aldi: AWZ: Isabelle resolved[info]aldiara on May 15th, 2011 07:47 pm (UTC)
Re: Nanny-Cam
Oh, this is beautiful. I always love me some Reichensiblings, and the insights into them as kids here are just lovely - I especially like the bit about Tom needing focus because he only knows where NOT to put his energy, and something about the nanny slipping little Izzie cake makes me go all "awwww, yeah!" Cake makes everything better!

One of my favourites so far! *pets*

(lol, also I may have unintentionally written something where I gave Tom the fire part of the prompt. We can pretend he does both, y/y? *g*)
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Christine[info]spaghettitoes on May 15th, 2011 07:56 pm (UTC)
Re: Nanny-Cam
Of course he has both! Personality is fluid ;)
And yes, cake=all fixed.
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winterlover: AWZ - Isabelle really lovely[info]winterlover on May 15th, 2011 08:05 pm (UTC)
Re: Nanny-Cam
Actually I did read it like they both change between fire and ice with Isabelle usually being the "colder" one and Tom burning with his passionate convictions buth this changing when things went wrong
I love this mixture/crossover (whatever the correct word for Überkreuzung is)
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