hackysack ([info]hackysack) wrote in [info]no7_awz on March 29th, 2011 at 10:57 pm
The Last Word
Title: The Last Word
Characters: Jenny, Roman, mentions of Norman.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: “Jenny & Norman - a tempestuous relationship built entirely on lust” - Roman and Jenny snipe at each other. Partly crack.
Warnings: mentions of kinky sex; bitching.
Author's Notes: Timeline: ep 493-494 (set after Deniz’s failed attempt to pick up Norman in the change rooms).
Hi! I’m timidly dipping my feet in this lovely fandom with my first fic (gah!). Let’s just pray the lj cut thing works (and the tagging thing). *deep breath* Here goes.
Word count: 298 words.
Disclaimer: RTL owns AWZ and everything associated with it.

The Last Word

Jennifer marched over to the Steinkamp Centre bar, where Roman sat nursing a cocktail. “Who was that?”

Roman looked up from his drink. “What?”

“That guy walking away just now? That was Norman, wasn't it?”

“Yeah, so?”

“He fled the second he saw me,” she said, sounding affronted. “He could've at least said hello!”

“Hello?” Roman snorted, raising an eyebrow. “Why would he say hello to you?”

“Because we’re friends! We had a great relationship back in the junior ice skating days. Or at least I thought we did.”

“Jennifer, what you “had” with Norman was a tempestuous relationship built entirely on lust.”

Jennifer scoffed. “That is the most insulting assertion-”

“Oh come on Jennifer, it was always the same with you two, right from the start: you would laugh, drink, hook up, have wild, kinky, hard-core sex-” He held up a hand forbiddingly as Jennifer spluttered a protest. “Don’t deny it; my room was right next to his! I could hear you going at it for hours on end: the screams, the moans, the groans, the wall-slams, the spanks, the whip-cracks-”

“Stop it!” Jennifer all but shrieked and Roman grinned devilishly.

“And then you'd transform into an ice-bitch the morning after and ignore him completely.”

“I did not-”

“So then the poor bastard would spend the next few weeks moping around, trying to steel himself against you. But you couldn’t handle being snubbed so you’d approach him after training one evening and seduce him, and then you’d both wind up in bed together.” Roman paused for effect. “Again.”

“So...kind of like you and Deniz these days,” Jenny shot back acidly, smirking as she saw him flinch.

He glared at her balefully as she turned on her heel and stalked off. Always, that bitch had the last word.

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