Momo ([info]momogermany) wrote in [info]no7_awz on January 4th, 2011 at 01:51 pm
Mystery vidder, you have no idea how much I love your work. Aaagh, the dramatic walking, and how the way they walk reflect each of the characters' personality, and yay, of course for Jenny coming on strong in the end, and damn Roman and your J'aime Paris shirt and I could go and on, but don't want to repeat what everyone else has said already.
Except, that for me too, the thing that I love more than everything about it is, that it has all characters in it.
For me it is somehow the woobie counterpart to Shelly's "The best we've ever had". While that one is always sure to put a big fat smile on my face, yours will always be good for a few tears in my eyes.
Those two pieces will forever belong together in my book, the yin and the yang of the show.
Many many thanks for that, Mystery Artist
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