Amilee ([info]amilee123) wrote in [info]no7_awz on December 20th, 2010 at 04:01 am
*runs in very late*

I'm so sorry wonderful Mystery Author. Life has been very bitchy lately and has kept me from doing fun things like staring at this. Unfrotunately I haven't had any good shower sex dreams in the interim (damn). Here are my completely disorganized thoughts:

The first thing that I really like about this is the title because it could totally just mean "Do Not Disturb" as in those signs you put on hotel room doors or be a statement about how Roman and Deniz's relationship is in this fragile state right now where they are tentatively making things kinda work but if anything cracks the precarious shell of okayness that they'll built, everything could come crumbling down. And that's totally what you had happen which I love. It's so apparent that things are 100% and they are both just tip-toeing around stuff because they're scared and unsure but then they're forced to confront the facade they've made when Marc comes back into the picture. Speaking of...

MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRCCCC! I love Marc, I've always loved Marc, I will always love Marc and I love you Mystery Author for putting Marc in my present. *squishes Marc and MA*

"The Da Vinci Code" references crack me up, btw.

I agree with Giorgia about the sex thing. Deniz does have a history of being able to successfully (although temporarily) deflect with sex and it's interesting to see Roman trying to use the same tactic that he knows has gotten himself into trouble before. Sex instead of communication is a hallmark of their relationship (I'm thinking of the times when Deniz was cheating in 1.0, the gloriously fucked up parts of the Dark Years [I think like Aldi, yay!], and the more recent 953). This time they actually eventually communicated though *gasp!*.

Show definitely needed "we're fucked up and we're not sure how this is going to work and we need to talk about why the stuff that happened happened" conversations but didn't delivery. Good thing we have canon-repairing fanfic!

Thanks again Mystery Author :) And a happy hofest to all!
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