dirty gyppo ([info]graspthethorn) wrote in [info]no7_awz on May 22nd, 2010 at 12:05 am
[fic] alles was zaehlt { a smörgåsbord of jero. sort of.
Despite my horrific loss in the Best Het category I AM SOLDIERING ON OKAY?

So, idk, here, have some Jenny/Roman. Jenny/Roman we are blaming on shellydkitty, aren't we? Yes, yes we are. SOZ SHELLZ, IDEK WHY I'M BLAMING YOU.
Warning: these are not crack.

.she doesn't mind
[vaguely roman/jenny. g. 600 words.]
notes; post bulle-attack v1.0.
warnings; none.
summary; it's better than leaving a post-it note stuck to her forehead.

.favourite page
[jenny/roman. 400 words. g.]
notes; I'm not entirely sure when this is meant to be set. Pre-kidnap, at least. IDEK.
warnings; none.
summary; even she has to admit she's far too shallow to appreciate anything but the most obvious type of beauty.
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