G ([info]giorgiakerr) wrote in [info]no7_awz on May 21st, 2010 at 03:31 am
Oh, wow, yes, embarrassing! More than embarrassing! *dies a little for you* Haha, yes, people tend to look at you funny! I do that in class, though not with podfic. If we're on computers, I'll just sit there in hysterics of some sort or another whilst trying not to draw attention to myself. Not. Easy. Hehe.

Re:Accents. That's true. I'd rather listen to someone with a different accent to myself. Only, Australian accents have this horrible habit of being kind of horrible. Haha. It'd have to be just the right person. Which, I suppose, applies to all accents, so moot point, but yes. Some Australian accents are SO nasal, haha.
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