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Oct. 12th, 2012


To: Master Bart Allen, Dr. Bruce Banner, Ms. Barda, Miss Kate Bishop, Miss Stephanie Brown, Ms. Jessie Chambers, Miss Mia Dearden, Mr. Tim Drake, Mr. Scott Free, Mr. Guy Gardner, Ms. Barbara Gordon, Mr. Dick Grayson, Mr. Roy Harper, Deputy Director Maria Hill, Ms. Maxine Hunkel, Mr. Hal Jordan, Mr. Clark Kent, Master Conner Kent, Miss Kara Kent, Mr. Ted Kord, Ms. Koriand'r, Ms. Selina Kyle, Mrs. Lois Lane-Kent, Ms. Dinah Lance, Mr. Lex Luthor, Mr. Matt Murdock, Ms. Linda Park, Ms. Pepper Potts, Mr. Oliver Queen, Master Doug Ramsey, Ms. Raven, Lt. Colonel James Rhodes, Dr. Reed Richards, Dr. Sue Richards, Captain Steve Rogers, Agent Natalia Romanova, Mr. Vic Sage, Mr. Tony Stark, Mr. John Stewart, Mr. Johnny Storm, His Majesty King T'Challa of Wakanda, Dr. Kristoff Vernard, Miss Cassandra Wayne.

From: Mr. Bruce Wayne and Master Damian Wayne
Date: October the first, 2012 (backdated)
Subject: You Are Cordially Invited...

((*Note: Invites were made to people Bruce and family knew, or who might be in that society scene, BUT if you feel I've left a character off the list, or would like to be added, please ask me. :) Chances are I somehow missed you.))

To a Halloween Masquerade Ball )

Oct. 1st, 2012


Who: Koriand'r & Cable and open to anyone at Providence
Where: Providence, off the coast of Hawaii
When: October 1, 2012
What: Kory wants to see for herself what all the fuss is about.
Rating: TBD

More and more Kory found herself drifting, like she didn't belong... )

Sep. 8th, 2012


Who: Starfire & GL John Stewart
Where: Deep space
When: September 8th
What: Saving worlds. All in a day's work. >.>
Rating: TBD

Ba'alagan Prime, fourth planet from a binary star the locals knew as Altha and Thera, was hours from being no more. )


Who: Starfire & Pete Wisdom
Where: Monaco, some big surprise Fashion Bash
When: Backdated to last week, right before Kory's off-planet space travels and Mojo's age swapping extravaganza.
What: At the wrongright place at the wrongright time?
Rating: TBD. We'll probably have some off-color language, I'm sure.

At least it was just a silly party, and not some international emergency. What could possibly go wrong? )

Sep. 5th, 2012


Who: Starfire
Where: Somewhere in deep space, Vega System
When: A few years ago (Vague flashback is vague)
What: Narrative/Intro. Dream within a dream flashback. Hi, my name is Kory. I have poor impulse control, anger issues, and zero body shame. My hobbies are having no sense of Earth morality when it comes to sex, long walks on the beach, and raining death and destruction upon my enemies.
Rating: R for implied violence. Nothing graphic.

Months had passed when Kory and her companions arrived at the Psion outpost. She went in, starbolts blazing. )