August 2017




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Oct. 31st, 2012


Who: Satana & Open
Where: Random, New York
When: Oct. 31st, 2012
What: Mischief, magic, mayhem and crashing Halloween parties.
Rating: Starting with Low

What kind of spell to use? )

Oct. 9th, 2012


Old Books and Haunts

Who: Satana, Jennifer Kale, Raven & Cypher
Where: The Old Hangout (of the original non-Teen Titans).
When: October 9, Night
What: Doug investigates the stomping grounds where Raven, Starfire, Robin and others used to hang out. It's dusty, and full of cobwebs. Oh, then there's that evil daughter of Satan. Thankfully, you can't go around using dark magics without making your presence felt.
Rating: TBD

Soul Survivors... )

Sep. 27th, 2012


Who: Satana Hellstrom & Loki
Where: Satana's Cathedral, Manhattan, NY
When: Sept. 27th, 2012
What: Loki comes to meet this Satana person. So basically, trouble brewing.
Rating: High, just to be safe

Truthfully, she was bored and was half tempted to go harass Jennifer Kale some more. )
Tags: ,

Sep. 13th, 2012


Who: Poison Ivy and Satana
Where: Arbor Heights Luxury Condos, Gotham City
When: 9/13
What: Ivy wants to kill a man, but it seems someone may have beaten her to the punch.
Rating: Possible NSFW? These are some sexy bitches.

Read more... )

Aug. 21st, 2012


Who: Satana Hellstrom & Open!
What: Looking to cause some trouble, but what that is or who might stop her in time is up for debate.
Where: Manhattan, New York
When: August 21st, 2012; Night;
Rating: Low, for now

Her walk had no purpose, but she was likely looking to stir up some sort of trouble. )

Jul. 23rd, 2012


Who: Jennifer and Satana
When: July 22, 2012 [Shortly before and then probably during This Scene]
Where: Gotham City, Jennifer's apartment
What: Jennifer can't make it to the Outsider Throwdown because she's gotta deal with The Devil's Daughter.
Rating: PG-13 - it's Jennifer and Satana. I can not imagine this staying long in the land of PG

What the hell - literally *what the hell* ... )