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September 8th, 2012

[info]nanpc in [info]newalliance

Who: All participants (open for reactions)
When: The early hours of Saturday, September 8th, 2012
Where: The planet Earth, Dimension New Alliance
What: Mojo tries to increase his ratings by 'recruiting' a new cast for his shows.
Rating: PG-ish

Here we are now, entertain us )

[info]bringerofwar in [info]newalliance

Who: Midnighter & Tora Olafsdotter
Where: The Carrier
When: Sept 1st @ Lunch [backdate]
What: Discussions!
Rating: PG-13

the carrier would be the best venue. )

[info]bat_mod in [info]newalliance

Who: Team M.I.T. [Reed Richards, Bruce Wayne, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark]
What: Dating Game Challenge
Where: The Mojoverse
When: Saturday, September 8th
Rating: PG 13 (subject to change depending on language)


[info]koriand_r in [info]newalliance

Who: Starfire & Pete Wisdom
Where: Monaco, some big surprise Fashion Bash
When: Backdated to last week, right before Kory's off-planet space travels and Mojo's age swapping extravaganza.
What: At the wrongright place at the wrongright time?
Rating: TBD. We'll probably have some off-color language, I'm sure.

At least it was just a silly party, and not some international emergency. What could possibly go wrong? )

[info]nanpc in [info]newalliance

Who: Team Authoriteens [Apollo, Midnighter, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, Pete Wisdom, Nick Fury]
When: Saturday, September 8th
Where: The Mojoverse!
What: Fairy Tale Challenge
Rating PG-13 depending on language

Welcome to Uncle Mojo's Fairy Tale Theatre )

[info]koriand_r in [info]newalliance

Who: Starfire & GL John Stewart
Where: Deep space
When: September 8th
What: Saving worlds. All in a day's work. >.>
Rating: TBD

Ba'alagan Prime, fourth planet from a binary star the locals knew as Altha and Thera, was hours from being no more. )

[info]nothawkette in [info]newalliance

Who: Hawkeye, Huntress, & later Robin!Nightwing.
Where: Hotel in Gotham
When: Sundown September 8th
What: Dealing with the costume/vigilante situation.
Rating: tbd

this wasn't going how she had expected. )

[info]general_fury in [info]newalliance

Who: Nick Fury and Maria Hill
Where: SHIELD Helicarrier.
When: September 8th. Mojo Day.
What: Fury and Hill deal with the fall out in the true spy fashion. The introduction of LMDs!
Rating: TBD. Probably high for their crude language.

He had to stay sharp and on point. )

[info]kittygotback in [info]newalliance

Who: Agent Nelson & Director Fury
Where: SHIELD Helicarrier
When: September 08, 2012 - Before this
What: Tigra stalks Fury, if only because she wants to forever hold this Mojo voodoo over his head
Rating: R probably. Language and all that.

I never thought I'd get to see you naked )