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April 7th, 2012

[info]sonandsubject in [info]newalliance

Brief Visit. Please make it briefer.

Who: Kristoff. Cassandra Cain. Possibly Others
When: April 7, 2012 Mid-afternoon
What: Latverians may be allergic to New Jersey.
Rating: PG for incredibly mild Romani swearing?

He'd thought New York was bad. He'd thought Metropolis was bad.

And so he'd made a stop in Gotham dealing with his Father's business, thinking he was already inured to everything he hated about American cities.

Devel, he was so wrong. It was so filthy.

Finally, there was a park. Thank any Powers Beyond, there was park. And Kristoff sat. And though most couldn't tell it from his perfect posture, even on the park bench, he was relieved.

[info]ringshit in [info]newalliance

Who: Hal Jordan & Dinah Lance
Where: Dinah's apartment, Gotham, NJ
When: April 5, 2012 - Afternoon [Backdated]
What: Hal takes a flight to clear his head and ends up at Dinah's for some friendly conversation
Rating: PG-13

He just needed some time to clear his head )

[info]noir_canary in [info]newalliance

All The Boys Can't Always Save The Day...

Who: Black Canary, Oracle, Lady Blackhawk, The Huntress?
What: The Birds of Prey thwart a would be mob hit-- and make a new friend.
Where: Infantino Parkway, Gotham City, NJ
When: Saturday, April 7th, night time
Rating: Probably safe for work. Maybe. Let's go with R for safety's sake. You never know what is going to come out of Zinda's mouth.

No one does it better than the Birds of Prey )

[info]nanpc in [info]newalliance

Who: The Joker
Where: In the Gotham Gazette.
When: 03/07/12
What: The people of Gotham are no longer safe.
Rating: Another article about the murder of innocent lives.

Extra! Extra! )

[info]nanpc in [info]newalliance

Who: Scarecrow
Where: In the Gotham Gazette
When: Sunday Morning Edition, April 08, 2012 (future dated)
What: How is anyone still alive in Gotham?
Rating: Mentions of multiple homicide and arson

This Just In! )

[info]nightmareserum in [info]newalliance

Who: Jonathan Crane, NPC!Preist (and anyone venturing near a church on Easter after Mass)
Where: St. Paul Roman Catholic Church, Gotham, NJ
When: Easter Sunday (April 08, 2012, before his date with Harley, forward dated)
What: Jonathan pays his respects.
Rating: PG - Religious Imagery and Themes

if i could, make a deal with god )

[info]spider_bitten in [info]newalliance

To: "Gwen" []
From: "Peter" []
Date: Saturday, April 7th, 2012
Subject: Art Thingy

You have 1 new email(s) )