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March 20th, 2012

[info]batlanguage in [info]newalliance

Who: Cassandra Wayne and Barbara Gordon
Where: The Clocktower.
When: March 14, just after midnight, following Cypher's chat with Enigma, and Batgirl's stalking of Cypher.
What: Batgirl returns to the Clocktower, and pizza is had.
Rating: General Audiences.

Barbara had said the magic word, and Batgirl had come running. And swinging. And flying. )

[info]son_of_krypton_ in [info]newalliance

To: Kara
From: Clark
Date: March 20, 2012
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[info]_alfred_ in [info]newalliance

Who: Alfred, Bat family, Kara, Clark
When: 19th March (Backdated)
What:Alfred arranges Dick's birthday celebrations

[Private to all Batfamily (except Dick), Kara and Clark]

You have 1 Voicemail Message )

[Private to Dick]

You have 1 Voicemail Message )

[info]the_odinson in [info]newalliance

Welcome to Gotham

Who: Thor, OTA
Where: Streets of Gotham City
When: March 20th, 11:21PM
What: Thor arrives, and starts a riot.
Rating: R- Its gonna get violent. And sweary :P

Tags: ,

[info]son_of_krypton_ in [info]newalliance

To: Bruce Wayne
From: Clark Kent
Subject: Boys night out
Date: March 20th, 2012

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[info]batlanguage in [info]newalliance

Who: Batgirl and Spoiler
Where: The streets of Gotham.
When: The evening of March 20th, approaching midnight.
What: Batgirl first encounters the Spoiler, who hasn't been in the best frame of mind following her father's murder. Batgirl decides to do something about that.
Rating: PG-13 for violence an' stuff.
Status: Incomplete; a few posts traded over AIM, and continuing here.

[info]shield_2ic in [info]newalliance

Who: Maria + OPEN (vigilantes, criminals, or all of the above, interacting with her or just doing their thing)
Where: Streets of Gotham (the place to be!)
When: 3/21
What: Maria observes Gotham nightlife for her recon.
Rating: Possibly not safe for work, triggery - general crime
The dreary fog of the city wasn't for her )

[info]firstgreenarrow in [info]newalliance

To: "Barry Allen" [address hidden], "Luke Cage" [], "Roy Harper" [], "Dinah Lance" [address hidden]
From: "Oliver Queen" []
Date: March 20, 2012
Subject: Why I love working with kids...

You have [1] unread message. )

To: "Dinah Lance" [address hidden]
From: "Oliver Queen" []
Date: March 20, 2012
Subject: Lian built this

You have [2] unread messages. )

[info]noir_canary in [info]newalliance

Blue Monday

To: Babs
From: Dinah
Date: March 19, 2012 (Back dated)

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[info]zindas in [info]newalliance

Thread: Lady Blackhawk and Cypher (Later Oracle)

WHO: Doug Ramsey and Zinda Blake (later Barbara Gordon)
WHAT: Kidnapping! Following orders, Zinda decides to borrow Doug from his own life for a bit.
WHEN: March 21. Morning.
WHERE: Pool and then clocktower.
NOTES: Reposted due to technical difficulties.

Their spending money was one of the main reasons why music turned horrible in the last 70 years. )

[info]miaishere in [info]newalliance

Narrative: Mia Dearden (AKA: How to earn detention in 5 minutes or less)

WHO: Mia Dearden
NPCs: Vice Principal; other students
WHAT: Mia gets detention
WHERE Hallway at school.
WHEN: March 21, morning

If Mia knew she’d get this amount of annoyance in her life this early in the morning, she probably wouldn’t have gotten out of bed at all. )

[info]miaishere in [info]newalliance

Text: Lots to assorted Arrow Family members and friends.

TO: Roy, Dinah, Cassie
DATE: March 21, Morning

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TO: Oliver
DATE: March 21, Morning

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TO: Connor
DATE: March 21, Morning

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