May. 23rd, 2017


WHO: Ariadne & Theseus
WHEN: The Bronze Age
WHERE: Heraklion, Ancient Crete
WHAT: Theseus arrives on Crete with the rest of the Athenian sacrifices and Ariadne's life suddenly becomes a bad Taylor Swift song

But we both know how it goes — I say I want you inside me and you split me open with a knife )

Nov. 7th, 2016


Who: Theseus [Narrative]
What: Theseus finds Phaedra dead, and has Hippolytus killed after being falsely accused of rape
When: 1300's BC
Where: Athens
Warnings: Murder, mentions of rape, over-emotional moment
Notes: A little creative license in the death

That's when I stopped loving anyone... )

Sep. 9th, 2014


Who: Theseus and Sophia
What: When Theseus first steps off the boat into NY and finds a new attraction he wasn't expecting
When: 1950's
Where: New York
Warnings: A cute Theseus

I wasn't planning on making a wife out of you, but way too gorgeous to pass up! )