May. 1st, 2013


Who: Helios and Rhode
What: A fight! A fight!
When: Ancient Greek times
Where: Island of Rhodes
Warning: TBD

Nothing starts off perfect... )
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Jul. 30th, 2012


Who: Aphrodite & Rhode
What: "So you're sort of my daughter, people are weird, but at least you're pretty! :D"
When: Ancient times
Where: Beach in Greece

Read more... )

Jul. 26th, 2012


Who: Poseidon & Rhode
What: Poseidon visits Rhode six months after her marriage, finds her still unhappy, and tries to convince her he can fix it
When: Ancient times
Where: Island of Rhodes
Warnings: Poseidon, language, TBD

Jul. 25th, 2012


Who: Helios and Rhode
What: Not long after marriage, it takes some getting used to
When: Ancient Greece
Where: The island of Rhodes

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Who: Helios and Poseidon narrative (open to Rhode and Eos)
What: Helios' statue falls, Helios disappears.
When: 226 BC, Greece
Where: The Island of Rhodes
Warning: None