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Apr. 23rd, 2014


Haha, remember my last post, when I said I'd be gone like a week? Needless to say, I have been gone for many weeks. During my absence I 1.) finished my senior project (Yay!) and 2.) had a cyst removed, which left an enormous hole in my back (Boo.)

I am healing though! I have a little wound vacuum, so now I am part cyborg and that's very exciting. I'm hoping to ease myself back into RPing and doing fun things now that my life is not so crazed.


Mar. 11th, 2014


Hey peeps <3

You may have noticed that I've been more or less absent for a couple of weeks. It's because I've been hit with the one-two punch of getting a new job while entering my final semester before graduating. My mind is pretty much at a 'reblog GIFs, sleep, eat' state of functionality most of the time.

So! I am gonna ~officially~ hiatus for a week, and hope that I come back with my batteries a bit more recharged :D

Dec. 1st, 2013


So, for anyone who hasn't heard, the guy I use as American!George's PB, Paul Walker, was killed in a car crash this weekend. I'm gonna take a little break from US!George as a consequence, just because looking at pictures of Paul make me sad right now. I don't anticipate it will be a super long break, but this is just an FYI.

Oct. 1st, 2013


Hey guys! I just want to apologize for barely being around at all lately. I hit a really unmotivated patch right about the same time work and school got very busy, and so it combined into a perfect storm of un-productivity.

But! Things are getting a bit more manageable and so I should be back in action :D Hit me with ALL THINGS

Aug. 11th, 2013


I have been totally useless RP-wise lately, and I'm very sorry, my lovelies <3 I am just incredibly stressed out, and my classes are starting up again soon. If there's anything you'd like to do with any of my kids, please say, since I've been too ksjalksjdlaskd to check the flist recently.

Aug. 2nd, 2013


Hola, Nevermore!

This shady bastard is Samyaza, a fallen angel and one of the Grigori. The Grigori are (in)famous for getting booted out of Heaven because they wanted to have sex with pretty humans, and Samyaza is still all about having sex with pretty ladies. His hobbies include hiding from actual conflict and leering.

He's a pimp/brothel owner, and I know we have several sex worker characters, so he might have some contact with them?

Jul. 3rd, 2013


So, I was re-reading the threads from the Apocalypse AU, and it led to me making a mix, because of course it did.

Like a Thief in the Night, a mix for all your Apocalyptic needs.

May. 22nd, 2013


Hey, all! So I realized that the old journal that I had all of my writing prompts on has been deleted :(

That sucks, but it does mean that this presents a delicious new opportunity for more writing! I have about half the prompts from The Dragon list here, and would love it if you guys would hit me with some of them. We've been having power outages because of the bad weather, but I can at least write without an Internet connection.

May. 6th, 2013



Hey everyone! I am feeling much better and am not eating painkillers by the handful anymore. I still have another surgery scheduled for this week to get the kidney stone out, so that won't be crazy  pleasant, but for now, I am back, albeit a little slow.

If I owe you tags or you'd like to do a thread, please poke me to remind me <3

Apr. 28th, 2013


Hey guys. So in addition to finals this week, I had to check into the hospital due to another bout of kidney stones

>:| does not even begin to cover my feelings about the general effectiveness of my organs right now.

So I am going to be a little scarce, for a bit.

Apr. 21st, 2013


So, it begins.

By 'it', I mean Crisis Week before Finals Week. So if I am not around or seem distracted, it is because my brain has completely ceased to function and is instead full of useless trivia about medieval history. And not even interesting medieval history.

Mar. 28th, 2013


Hey lovelies! Pretty sure I have food poisoning, so I am going to be rather slow these next few days until my body behaves itself again ;_;

Mar. 21st, 2013


What's up, Nevermore? I am now spamming you with non-Apocalypse things!

This is Tama Miyamoto, a maneki-neko. Maneki-neko are those cat figurines with raised paws that you've almost definitely seen if you've ever been in a Chinese or Japanese restaraunt. They look like this and are said to bring good luck and wealth.

Tama is one such lucky cat, and she is looking to make new friends! Her usual mode of operation is to find a business or restaurant that needs some luck and bless them with her presence, which tends to bring an immediate upswing in customers and money. In exchange, she lives with them or otherwise mooches off them as only a cat can. ("Feed me! Give me a comfy spot to sleep! Tell me I'm pretty! Okay, now leave me alone.") Tama has both a human form and a kitty form, and she's pretty friendly towards everyone.


Propaganda from the end of the world

Satan is into multitasking. A simple Wanted poster will not do. He's got to be a jerk about it.

Haha, anyway, these are the ones I managed to come up with:

Feb. 20th, 2013


Hey guys, this is just to apologize for being slow and to warn you that the slowness will continue for a bit. Midterms are coming up for me and work is picking up (which, YAY), which makes me entirely brain-dead sometimes.

If I owe anyone tags or you'd like to do a thread, please please please tell me and I'll gladly hop on it! I'm just not so great at remembering what I've got going on right now

Jan. 10th, 2013


Hey guys! This is just a quick note that I finally got a separate journal for UK!George, and a shiny new PB to boot. Say hello to the flowing golden locks of Harvey Harvey Harvey Dent Aaron Eckhart.

Jan. 3rd, 2013



She sees you all fornicating while unwed, and is displeased. Put your pants back on, all of you! She's currently a nun and has been recently transferred to New York, since she heard several of her fellow Virtues were there

Dec. 19th, 2012


Hello, fabulous people! I thought since we've had an influx of awesome new players, it might be helpful to re-post old links in for anyone who hasn't seen them.

First off, the Nevermore Spam Tumblr. Our fearless leader Circe set it up, and it is 100% ridiculous. If you want to make GIFsets or such for your characters and post them on Tumblr for us all to marvel at, that is the way to go. Or you could post pictures of goats and imply they are Satan, as I do.

Second, the General Character Information post, which is for useful stuff about your character that might not have made it into the bio. Headcanons, past relationships, favorite yogurt flavor, stuff like that. It's not mandatory AT ALL, but if there's anything you want to post there for posterity, go nuts!

If anyone thinks of any other useful links, let me know!

Dec. 10th, 2012


Guess who just got done with her finals? THIS LADY.

They almost killed me, guys. But! I am free to RP now :D I'm so sorry for being super-slow and unfocused lately, my brain has been filled with medieval Europe.


Nov. 24th, 2012


Hey guys! I have been pretty slow lately, and this will probably continue for the foreseeable future. I just started a new job, and so I'm working out my schedule and also feeling a bit sleepy, not to mention dealing with homework and such.

So this is just a quick head's-up! Definitely e-mail if you want to do anything, and poke me if I seem to have forgotten, since I will be a bit scatterbrained for a while.

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