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May. 24th, 2016


WHO: Jayden and Jesse Delacroix and Nicholas Rowland (eventually)
WHAT: Brotherly talks
WHEN: Monday afternoon
WHERE: Nicholas' hospital room
WARNINGS: Talk of eating disorders and torture

I cannot think of a witty lj cut )

May. 21st, 2016


WHO: Saint Patrick, Patroclus, Perseus, Nicholas, Jesse, JJ, Joey, Nikkie, anyone I missed
WHAT: A rescue of sorts
WHEN: Sunday morning
WHERE: A basement, and then the hospital
WARNINGS: Aftermath of Antichrist torture

Someone need a rescuing? )

May. 12th, 2016


Who: Jesse, open to JJ and the rest of the house
What: Things are really bad
When: Thursday night
Where: Their house
Warnings: Talk of drug use

Look at my men. Their courage hangs by a thread. )

Mar. 23rd, 2016


Who: Jesse, Adrian, Isaiah, Jayden, Ceridwen (+ Nicholas & JJ?)
What: What the fuck was that?!
When: A couple hours after this
Where: Ceridwen's house
Warnings TBD

That was so fucked up )

Mar. 1st, 2016


WHO: JJ van der Berg, Nicholas Rowland, and Jesse, Jayden, Adrian and Isaiah Delacroix. Also ghosts
WHAT: The Daddy
WHEN: Monday evening
WHERE: Their house
WARNINGS: Ghosts and sadness

Oh nooooo )

Jan. 9th, 2016


WHO: Nicholas Rowland, His father [NPC], open to the entire house
WHAT: "I found you because you totally sent us your address which is a bad way to hide/"
WHEN: Friday evening
WHERE: Their house
WARNINGS: Swearsies, tba

Welllll fuck )

Dec. 19th, 2015


WHO: Jayden Delacroix, Jesse Delacroix, perhaps other Delacroixs, Nicholas and JJ
WHAT: Jayden's home!
WHEN: Friday Night

Beautiful Human Disaster )

Nov. 21st, 2015


WHO: JJ, Jesse and Nicholas
WHEN: Friday night
WHERE: Their house


Oct. 26th, 2015


WHO: Jayden, Delacroix boys, Ceridwen, Jess van der Berg, Nicholas Rowland
WHAT: Reunion
WHEN: Backdated to the Sunday, after getting back from laketimes
WHERE: Their home
WARNINGS: Lots of broken hearts and yelling and hurt feelings

Little do you know, Jayden bb )

Oct. 11th, 2015


WHO: JJ van der Berg, Nicholas Rowland, Jesse Delacroix and possibly Adrian and Isaiah Delacroix
WHAT: Mums and babes and goddesses, OH MY!
WHEN: Saturday night
WHERE: Their place
WARNINGS: Talk of drug and sex work

So much is happening! )

Oct. 10th, 2015


WHO: The Delacroix boys (minus Jayden) and Ceridwen
WHEN: Saturday morning
WHERE: Out and aboot!

Seriously, that's our mom. )

Oct. 4th, 2015


Who: Jayden and Jesse, then probably Nicholas and JJ
What: Bonding through music
When: Saturday night
Where: Their house

Read more... )

Sep. 5th, 2015


Who: Jesse Delacroix [can be open to the house, but also stands on its own]
What: Wish you were here
When: Friday, middle of the night
Where: Their house
Warnings: Doubtful

Keep careful watch of my brothers' souls )

Mar. 23rd, 2015


Who: Jesse Delacroix, open to Lena
What: Welcome to nope-town, population: Jesse
When: Sunday night
Where: Around the city, Central Park
Warnings: IDK

Read more... )

Mar. 7th, 2015


WHO: Adrian and Jesse Delacroix (Maybe Nicholas and Isaiah eventually)
WHAT: Talking
WHEN: After seeing Jayden at the hospital (so literally still the day they arrived in the city)
WHERE: Jesse's house
WARNINGS: Potential talk of sexual assault

Your life is pretty messed up )

Feb. 23rd, 2015


WHO: Jayden Delacroix
WHAT: Just slowly dying
WHEN: The three days leading up to nowish
WHERE: A cheap motel
WARNINGS: Post-abduction badness

Alone )

Feb. 22nd, 2015


Who: Jesse, Adrian, Isaiah
What: It's a reunion! Yay?
When: Friday afternoon
Where: Jesse's place
Warnings: Might go high, depending on what they talk about

Read more... )

Feb. 1st, 2015


WHO: Jayden and Jesse
WHAT: Cuddles!
WHEN: Saturday
WHERE: Treatment Centre I can't remember the name of
WARNINGS: Eating Disorders

I am glad you're here )

Dec. 13th, 2014


Who: Jesse, Victor, Diana
What: Jesse needs to escape reality for a while
When: Late Friday morning
Where: Drug house
Warnings: Descriptions of drug use

And God's name is smack for some )

Dec. 12th, 2014


WHO: Jayden, Jesse, maybe JJ and Nicholas
WHAT: More badness
WHEN: Thursday evening
WHERE: Their house and then I dunno man
WARNINGS: Eating disorders and self-harm

This could be it )

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