Neopolis Academy OOC's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Neopolis Academy OOC

The OOC community; for plot and silliness.

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& THAT'S A WRAP. [2 Feb 2010 @ 3:32am]

We invite you to round off with commenting on people's goodbye posts, and doing snaps or yearbooks. Thank you for an amazing year, everyone.

FAREWELL SWEET NEOPOLIS! [1 Feb 2010 @ 11:53pm]

Truly one of the most amazing games I have ever been a part of -- nay, witnessed! -- with the most consistently hilariously playerbase and mind-blowingly radical mods. I wish I had been able to play a bigger part (and perhaps met those of you I have not yet met!), but all the same I am so grateful for the folks I've become friends with here, and wanted to give a proper goodbye! GOODNIGHT, SWEET NEO. May flights of zombies equipped with rocket boots sing thee to thy rest.

- EMILY THE SECOND ([info]andrewryan)

AND ALSO: I wanted to give a glimpse into the future of one Elwood Graves: Honestly, those prints barely show anything anyway )
012 post comment

tl;dr [2 Feb 2010 @ 2:50am]

I was so confused a year ago January (or was it December?) when I started seeing people on their flists talking about their "Neopets." Neopets? Like that stupid website? Well someone told me that no, it wasn't that stupid website, it was "a Dr. Horrible game," and though that wasn't entirely correct, I went from "lol whatever" to "OMG INTERESTED" in the span of about 5 minutes. I don't know if I held right away, but when I went to the holds page, I had no ideas at all for characters. Instead I noticed that Kristen Bell wasn't taken and sat for about two minutes trying to figure out a power. I first typed "Can turn water into wine" and was about to hit SUBMIT, but suddenly had a better idea. Beer. And within minutes I had a concept for Annie.

Annie. I hope you can tell how much I love her, because if you can then I think I did something right. I had a number of things I wanted to do with her over the course of the game, and I feel like I accomplished every one of them and then some. She grew in ways I couldn't have imagined over the course of the game and for srs, every moment of playing her with all of you was a blast.

Queenie came about a lot later than I had anticipated a second character and it took me ages to figure out what I wanted for her aside from "Magic and BHH princess," but after Nat and Maddie spent hours giving me ideas for concepts, she came to life and I could not be happier. I wanted her to be evil but yet on the side of Good and I think I pulled it off as well as I could have. She took on a life of her own and I have enjoyed every single minute of playing her and if she annoyed you (which I really hope she did), then I did another thing right.

And then there was Vinnie. I don't talk about Vinnie a lot because he is essentialy my comic relief and not a very deep character, but I do love him. It's really not a secret that he is my recycled Vincent Crabbe, but I'm under the impression that no character can ever be an exact duplicate of their predecessor, and that is certainly true of Vinnie. Games and characters are shaped by the other players in it, and Vinnie became his own person in Neopolis and I have had some wonderful memories with him. I hope you enjoyed his stupidity.

CONFESSION: I was really nervous about this game. It was my first venture outside HP since the silly anime games I did on Yahoo!Groups around 2001, and though a lot of my HP friends held, very few of them actually finished apping or stayed past the first week. I felt ridiculously lost given that I knew so few players, the style of RPing was so different and there were so many characters and so much turnover early on that I could barely keep track of everybody, but I stuck with it and it worked out.

And oh my god you don't know how glad I am that I did.

Well, you probably do know. Because you all know exactly how amazing Neopolis was. I feel so privileged to be able to have played with each and every one of you. I have met some amazing friends through this game, reconnected with old friends I hadn't talked to in ages, and I really mean it when I say I love coming into Neochat and feeling like I'm home. I love that I can call some of you up and talk for four hours, or skype with you or that I'm facebook friends with so many of you and I've only known you for a year but I can't imagine not RPing with all of you again.

I love, too, everything that we have brought to each other as a group, and I don't just mean learning how to spell apocalypse and Caesar. Narratives, phone call logs, timestamped party threads, picture party posts, ~landia, backdating and placeholdering, the amazing wiki, and all the millions of inside jokes we had. I still love HP but I went crazy having fun with the newness of this Neopolis environment and I can't tell you how much I loved making those Neocons or the AIM-log format thing and seeing people use them.

At the end of every game I always have a million "if only I had done this" or "if only I had done that," and while I have that for this game too, it's only because I just want to play more with all of you. My only real regrets are that I started talking with so many of you so late or our characters connected so late, but trust, I am going to write a million drabbles in the future, and I still have all those logs to look forward to finishing (AND SOME ARE PRETTY CLOSE TO BEING DONE).

And with that I leave you with my 20YL memes and all of the love in my heart. Thank you all for being so wonderful and I love on ur shirt.

- Kati / [info]rainbowling

20 YL - Annie Brewski )
20+ YL - Queenie Hero )
20 YL - Vincent Vast )
06 post comment

She's leaving home. [2 Feb 2010 @ 2:46am]

These have already been done more thoroughly and more eloquently than I'll ever be able to dream of, so I'll keep it short--just know I echo the sentiments expressed thus far in a big way. As has been said, the people I've met or grown closer to through Neopolis are by far the greatest gift this game has given me, though by no means the only one. Thank you for indulging me, guys, and thank you for being so consistently creative, dynamic, and inspirational. This game saw me run my first big plot, and take some character steps I'd never thought possible in rp. So, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. This was a special and wholly unique experience for me, one that I doubt will ever be replicated. Thank god we have each other, huh? See you on the flipside.

My 20yl post is here, albeit still up for editing and consulting with concerned parties. Feel free!

03 post comment

AS WE GO ON. [1 Feb 2010 @ 11:42pm]

Where in the world do I even start, guys? Just -- thank you, thank you, thank you. This game would have been nothing without the people who participated in it. )

And my 20YL meme: Dante Decarabia, Kate van Helsing, Theodore Renfield, Tobias Hastings, Victoria Mushnik, Doctor Zaccheus Odd. )
028 post comment

WAH. [2 Feb 2010 @ 6:05pm]

MY DINNER IS GETTING COLD, BUT I WANT TO WRITE THIS, AND I WANT TO GO COMMENT, AND I WANT TO FINISH MY 20YL, but god, this has to get up before midnight as well as a couple of logs, so fml.

Basically, this game has been crazy, in both good and bad ways. I've cried tears of joy and sorrow and frustration and fury, it has sucked up my brain and taken over my life, but in the end, if I had it over again, I would do it all again, because the good is far outweighed by the bad. I have met so many new people and made so many new friends, and if you're not all in at least one of the games I go on to join after this, I will miss you terribly. If I don't have you friended already, or vice versa, please add [info]missbossyboots, and I will add you back.

Thank you for the opportunity to play the characters I did, even if I did fail abominably at times. Erik, Mary, Ivy, Sally and Jessi will always and forever remain amongst my favourite characters of all time, and I would not have been able to play them without this game.

My 20YL post is still not quite finished, but here is a link for posterity. It is not finished for the following reason, as I slaved over this for the past couple of days so I could get it finished. It should be finished by the end of my evening, however.

The (Mostly) Definitive Hook-Up Chart for Neopolis, 2009.

If I missed anything that was commented with, or got it wrong, please tell me. If you never commented... sorry, it is too late.

But now I saw so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, good bye, and thanks for all the fish.


014 post comment

[2 Feb 2010 @ 1:03am]

I started at Neopolis with this boy and I'm going to sign out with him too. I never imagined that Neopolis would turn into the huge monstrously amazing thing that it's become; I remember Puja telling me about it and I thought "hey what the hell I haven't been in a game for a while it'd be nice to start again" and then it took me TWO MONTHS to get my damn app in. Slowest apper trophy, it is mine for life. And look where I am now - I have 4 characters that I can't bear to let go of, a player base that is amazing beyond belief who consistently blow me away with their writing and chat with me and plot ridiculous things and even make icons about our ridiculous ideas, omfg.

Basically I am running out of time to say goodbye to this game (and let's be honest, with the logs I'm still doing this isn't exactly the end yet) and I really don't want to, but the end of the day is here despite my denial. So I love you all, I insist on RPing with all of you in the future, please don't be a stranger or I will cry (moar).

None of this was coherent, was it.

Bisous à tous,
Sophia & [info]whatanightmare, [info]mechamarvel, [info]phocidae, [info]shaolinmaster
([info]jonquillesdanse = CDJ, please to be friending!)

PS: I forgot to add my 20yl meme! WIP, subject to change, etc.
01 post comment

this is not goodbye, this is only the end of a chapter. [2 Feb 2010 @ 1:45am]

So here are the true facts, as relayed by me, Emily G. Not to be confused with Emily C., of Elwood fame, or Emily W. (Worth), who is a character here. I love her. Okay.

#1. I am preeeeeeeeeeetty drunk right now, and I am so proud of myself for being able to type. Oddly, the same is not true for my IM conversations. Proof from modchat:

Emily: ture, do now one
Emily: for real serious
Emily: because
Emily: i tisa lot of wek
Emily: *work

So, you see, you are very spoiled in getting coherent!Emily.

#2. omfg you guys. you guys are the greatest. you guys are so fucking great, I can't even tell you, so great. I can't. Just. So many of you -- ALL OF YOOOOOOOOOOU - are so great.

#3. no really.

#4. MY CO-MODS ARE THE GODDAMN LIGHT OF MY LIFE. You guys, I know that things have not always been amazing and awesome, and sometimes I have been seriously concerned about hte state of our mutual rhombus friendship, but we are so fucking amazing. Thank all of you players for saying it, it is very appreciated, you have no idea, but it's okay, we know it. we are awesome. and I love us so much. SO MUCH. oh my god, I wish I weren't so drunk so that you could know I mean this SO sincerely.
#4a. Except for Ryan, who just went to bed because he is a LOSER. UGH.

#5. Just kidding I love him too.

#6. Did you know, I have spent time in real real life with all of my co-mods? We are all very awesome together. I would show you a picture that Ryan took when I drunkenly passed out on some church steps after he bought me some dranks (intentional typo) in a club, but that requires lucidity that i do not possess and also my underwear is showing so HAHAHAHA that stays between the MODS.

#7. I think I should get back to the sincere love part. Okay. You are all so incredibly talented. Thank you for bringing your talent to Neopolis, and all of your enthusiasm, and all of your love. I know a lot of you are heartbroken that today is the Closing, but look at it this way: we have all participated in the creation of something glorious, that we will treasure for all time. Closing at the natural end -- one year, one full school year, one cycle -- even though we aren't ready to let go of these characters... it means this will forever be golden. FOREVER GOLD, PONY BOY. I mean, yeah, we've had our bumps in the road, but ultimately we've just... made something amazing, and you are all so incredible. I have loved your characters fiercely, and I've loved YOU GUYS fiercely, and I hope that we can all stay together forever in at least some medium, okay? Because we have mad sexy chemistry.

#8. Uhm, this is where I get nostalgic and stuff, but I know Sarah has related the Tale of How it All Began and that Ryan (I Think?) has linked that AWESOME VIDEO, and... idk about Julie, Julie? Julie where are you. Oh my god I am too too drunk.

#9. Thank you. This year has been incredible. Modding has been an amazing, rewarding experience, and even when I was up all hours, risking life and... okay, just risking my job or something, to give you updates for one of our many 'splosions, you have all risen to the occasion SO UNBELIEVABLY, that it has all been utterly, utterly worth it. Drama? Who cares. It is all small fucking potatoes compared to the wonderful community and writing we've come together to create. I love you all, really. Not just the wine talking.

#10. ♥
#10a. lol i am going to regret this in the morning.

Jackie Frost: 20 Years Later )

Wendelin Tanglestice: Some Indeterminate Time Later, She Lives a Long Time, She is a Fairy )

Patience Lethbridge: Twenty Years and Whatever )
011 post comment

so long farewell auf wiedersehen goodbye D: [2 Feb 2010 @ 1:22am]

ldsflkasjdfkaew where to even begin? I've put this off for days and hours, hoping that eloquence will suddenly burst forth from my fingertips, but I think I'll keep it short and sweet because I'm sure the tl;dr will hit me another time.

I've flitted in and out of the RP world for some time now, and I never intended to join Neopolis, but I'm immensely grateful that I changed my mind. I got to reconnect with old friends and make more new ones than I know what to do with. Just kidding! :) Thank you to everyone for making this such a fulfilling 10-ish months of my RP career. As a writer, I've grown more in this game than I have in years, and I'm honored I was able to do it in the company of such hilarious, lovely, TALENTED people! Finally and most of all, thank you to the amazing team of moderators. You four don't know how incredible you are. I can feel the sap sneaking its way in here, so I'll leave it at that. ♥

If you don't already have my CDJ friended, please add me! I'm over at [info]monstre. I'll be seeing all of you around, I know it! Peace and love!

04 post comment

[2 Feb 2010 @ 12:08am]

I am going to make this short, because as you'll (maybe) see, I kind of went TL;DR in this meme. There was just so much to write!

I want to thank everyone for making me feel welcome at Neopolis. I wasn't expecting that all when I joined a year ago so imagine my surprise when I was invited to chats and sent IMs and included in plots and we became friends on our CDJs! I can't think of a single instance at Neopolis where I've felt unwelcome, which makes me incredibly happy that I joined in the first place -- even if it was outside of my comfort zone. If I've learned anything from Neopolis, it's to just jump into things... even if your character is a crazy bitch who says things that everyone else has the sense to not say.

I only have one 20YL meme to post at this time, but the other two are coming. Despite my failure to get into the groove with them, I certainly did love them and do have a lot of post-Neo ideas for them so I hope you come back to check them out!
Arden C. Harding - Twenty Years Later

If we're not CDJ friends already, please add me! I'm [info]shawful, and you can be sure I'll add you as quickly as possible.
- Shawna
01 post comment

I'm glad to be with you, Samwise Gamgee, here at the end of all things. [2 Feb 2010 @ 12:53am]


Thinking back on my start at Neo, Anderson wasn't really a sure thing. I brought him in at the end of August under the assumption that he was going to be rejected because his concept was a little too out there. There was a kind-of cap on androids and though I had my heart set on this character (and so many plans!) I wasn't sure I'd even get into Neopolis. Before I'd been accepted, I was preparing myself to leave.

But I wasn't rejected and I'm really happy for that. This has been one of the largest and most excellent games I have ever played in. And I have played in some truly epic games. I don't think I've ever seen such worked on plots, such developed characters, or had this much fun. It's been a pleasure, Neopolis.

Thanks to each and every one of you. I am hoping to play with as many of you as possible in the future. Friend me at [info]commiesharefest if you're so inclined. If not, see you around.

Here is Anderson's 20 years later. It is longer than the Bible and still open for additions or edits. I get caught up in these things sometimes.

03 post comment

so long, farewell, it's time to say adieu; [1 Feb 2010 @ 11:23pm]

Wow, I've been dreading doing this all day.

It absolutely blows my mind thinking back to a year ago when us mods were growing restless and started kicking around new ideas for a game. When we started lulzing over the random elements we wanted to throw into the game - super heroes, magic, time travel, monsters - I thought we were just having fun until we figured out something serious, something people would actually play. There was no way people would be interested on pandering to our miscellaneous whims, right?

I'd always wanted to do something along the lines of this theme and never once thought it would be actually possible. To this day I'm still in awe of the response we received; I vividly remember poring over the first wave of apps and being bowled over by the ridiculous creativity and talent being thrown our way. Everyone seemed to get it, even when we were still figuring out what it even was. My glee from those first few weeks could have kept me going over the entire year, but luckily there wasn't a waning moment of inspiration in the entire run. The fact that the game developed its own self-perpetuating canon is something I never fail to marvel over.

I've been RPing for well over a decade, but this has easily been my most fulfilling experience. I can't thank you all enough for that; for the characters, for the friendships, and for the sheer satisfaction of seeing people enjoy something you had a hand in creating. I'm especially grateful for my co-mods, who made all of this possible. Our eclectic mix of personalities manage to work seamlessly together against all odds, even if so much of the game's themes were forged in the fires of intense debate. They're the best group of gal pals a guy could ask for, no word of a lie.

I have so many crazy memories from the last year - and not just the comms or chat, but the little influences Neo had on my life in general. LOLing as Sarah put together our teaser video. Sharing cheesecake with Julie while loudly plotting the Zombie Apocalypse in a very public cafe. Panicking when I forgot my baseball signup sheet in the printer at work. Coming up with elaborate excuses for why there are always pictures of Sam Page on my iPhone. And so forth and so on, ad nauseam, etc etc.

I need to cut this off or I'll ramble forever - but seriously everyone, thanks for an incredible year. I can't wait to play with you all, as a mere plebe again. ;)

Oh yeah, and some 20 Years Later Memes for Captain Justice Jr., The Phantom Reporter, The Shadow Samurai, Knuckles and The Hunchback. Peace out, Neopolis!
013 post comment

[1 Feb 2010 @ 9:07pm]

So, this is my goodbye -- but just to Neopolis the game, not Neopolis' player base.

I'm going to miss the game so much, don't get me wrong. Every moment of this incredible game was brilliant in its own way, whether that moment was sad or happy or downright hilarious. Every single character was amazing. I honestly couldn't ask for better characters to play with. My own experiences here were something I wouldn't trade for the world -- being able to see a character's development through like I did with Regina was incredibly fulfilling, and I'm sure I would have been able to do the same with Aviva if I had more time.

But without you guys, the other players and the incredibly lovely mods, the characters that I love so much and the plot I've enjoyed wouldn't be there. So I gotta give you guys mad props for being the incredibly talented, multifaceted, hilarious, beautiful, sweet writers -- and people -- that you all are. And I'm not saying goodbye to you, because like Loren said, I sure as heck hope we'll all write together again.

That's that from me, because I'm being a stupid goober and wibbling all over the place, thus impeding my ability to actually write. My 20 Years Later meme will go up in my CDJ ([info]pronto) ASAP.

Love all of you. ♥
06 post comment

so long, and thanks for all the fish. [1 Feb 2010 @ 11:16pm]

I'm not saying goodbye. Fuck goodbye. I'm not fucking saying it, and you can't fucking make me.

Neopolis has been my RP life for the past year, and it closing feels like a chapter of my life is ending. This game is so amazing, from the plots to the characters to the players and the words-can't-even-describe-how-awesome mod team. This game is an entity, and I am so sadded that I won't have it here anymore. Where am I going to comment bomb? Where am I going to start ridiculous IC arguments or play gay chicken?

THANK YOU so so much, Emily, Julie, Ryan, and Sarah (that's alphabetical order, jerks), for making this playground and letting us run wild. I've never created a character like Marla before and I've never had the chance to develop a character like I've done with Marla. You let me turn my initial concept inside out and it was so wonderful.

If you don't have me friend on IJ, I'm [info]lovedbythesun. DON'T BE STRANGERS. I expect to see your jerk faces around, so don't make me have to hunt you down and kick your asses.

And now, the meme for my ONE character, because I failed at bringing another in. Marla was determined to be an only child. )
01 post comment

Goodbye, thanks and 20 years later. [1 Feb 2010 @ 10:22pm]

Man, I am really, really terrible at saying goodbyes. But I feel like this game really deserves an effort, so here goes. I consider myself lucky to have been a part of some really great games before Neopolis, but Neopolis, without a doubt, takes the cake. It is just so epic on an IC and OOC level. One year just seems so short now. At least I do have the comfort of knowing that I will be RPing with many of you again and I have many of you on my CDJ (and if I don't, you should add me, [info]yeti!), so it's not even totally goodbye.

It is just going to be so, so weird to think that I will not be checking this flist anymore after tomorrow. Anyway, thank you to everyone for just being generally awesome. Thanks to Neopolis for raising the bar and for giving me a crash course in mini-logging and narrative writing. Thanks for giving me some incredible memories. It has been such a pleasure, everyone, truly.

Now, without further ado, here's my (still in-progress) 20 years later... )

I'm going to go have a cry now.
017 post comment

and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make. ;) [2 Feb 2010 @ 12:10am]

Ezra Quick was my first character in [info]neopolis. There was a point, sometime early last year, when I thought about dropping him. He didn't seem to find any specific place in the game, didn't exactly find a spot with any of the more established groups, and I just thought that it might be easier just to drop him. There is one reason I did not do this silly, silly thing: I just couldn't give up the easy excuse to watch all of the wonderful characters and plots that went on in this game. And as long as I had Ezra, whether or not he was a big part of anything, I could keep watching and say I was involved on a tiny scale.

Frankly, I'm just so retardedly glad that you guys enthralled me that much, because if I had dropped him and left this game, I would have abandoned what has become an amazing experience that has introduced me to so many wonderful people and helped me grow so much as a writer. I stayed to be really just a minimally involved spectator -- but I can't say how glad I am that I didn't stay that way for that long. The people in this game are above and beyond the best writers I have ever played with. The kind that make you want to write. And that, more than anything else (except perhaps the friends), has been the best thing I think I will take away from this.

Everything else, I think, has been said, or will be said, so I'll just leave it at this: This is, without a doubt, unequivocally, and all other strong words and phrases generally meaning definitely, the best game I have ever been in. Thanks, Neopolis.

022 post comment

I LOVE YOU [2 Feb 2010 @ 12:13am]

My dearest Neopolis community,

It has been more pleasure than words can properly articulate. I came into this game as a wee, timid little thing, not knowing a soul (apart from two real-life friends), and I leave a more confident woman with a whole bunch of new acquaintances, all of whom have become undeniably important to me. Most of you will probably never be fully aware of how much I have come to love and appreciate you, either as a friend or from afar; I am no Shakespeare and I will never ably put sentences to work in describing the emotions of the heart. So consider this tiny post a token of my overwhelming affection and admiration for all of you, as individuals, as a group, as mods, as creative writers, as socializing butterflies, as truly beautiful examples of humanity.

And now signing off: [info]broomboy, [info]yoyobb, [info]u92hazard, [info]justaddwater, [info]justjustice, and [info]kidcaptain

[info]frostine and angel below tide (AIM)

P.S. For those of you who are interested, here is a run-down of my characters' futures. I have yet to flesh it out, but as it stands, I think it gives a pretty solid look at their lives.
02 post comment

[1 Feb 2010 @ 8:13pm]

Alright Neopolis. This is the end of the road for us. I am not a verbose person so this goodbye is gonna be really short and sweet.

I wasn't going to join Neopolis. I kept seeing posts about it on my friends list and I thought it looked stupid, Harry Potter crap etc. But I came around and I really am glad I did. I've grown so much as a writer and as a person in the year that I have been in Neopolis. I've met some really great people that I wouldn't have known otherwise. It's been great getting to know all of your and I hope to see you all around.

20yl )
05 post comment

goodbye so soon, and isn't this a crime? [2 Feb 2010 @ 12:06am]

Hey hey hey, it’s Rae with what should be my final post in this community. And as Owl City would say, I’m weird ‘cause I hate goodbyes. I’ve never understood that line of the song because, really, who the hell likes goodbyes? And as someone who was raised to never to say ‘bye’, but ‘see you later’, this is especially difficult for me.

First of all, I guess I need to say thank you. )
08 post comment

[2 Feb 2010 @ 12:01am]

Sup dudes. I'm going to keep this relatively brief.

Neopolis has been the best game I've played at, ever. I'd like to thank every person involved in the game, past and present, for that. My RPing resume is perhaps not as impressive as some of the other players here in terms of number of games, but I've been doing it since I was nine which, with some quick arithmetic, comes out to around thirteen years. This year was the best one of those thirteen in terms of roleplaying.

I have made so many wonderful new friends, and been exposed to so many new things that have expanded my horizons - both in terms of RP and in general - over the past year that I am truly thankful for. I look forward to the opportunity to play with many of you again in the future, and should our RPing paths diverge here, I maintain hope that we can stay in contact (I'm looking at you here, Yasmine).

I've said enough, I think; everything else that I could can or will be said by someone else, likely more eloquently than I could put it.

I haven't completed my 20YL meme yet, but when I do, it'll be under the cut. In the meantime, you can check out my rough ideas for the next two decades in the lives of Andy Keller, Rob Donovan, James Carrick, Cal Calvert, and Dan Armstrong (well... the next eight months or so, in the last case).

Watch this space! )

You stay classy, Neopolis.
01 post comment

[1 Feb 2010 @ 10:44pm]

I refuse to get all sappy because I fully intend on RPing with every last one of you again.

However, that said, Neopolis wouldn't have been great without every last one of you. From the mods who literally wrote novels worth of plot posts to the players who continually surprised me with the insightful things their characters said and did, Neopolis defined the collaborative aspect of RP.

I played with so many amazing people, and I wish I'd played more with more of you, but I have no regrets. I can only look to a future of amazing memories from an amazing game.

My 20 Years Later meme is here, and, like many of the others, subject to change.
01 post comment

Goodbye, Neopolis. You will be missed. [1 Feb 2010 @ 8:17pm]

Behind this cut is a very, very long goodbye from one of your mods. Enter at your own risk. Sappiness and memories abound.

before you board that train; i owe you a bottle of cold champagne. )
033 post comment

This is not goodbye, it's see you later~ [1 Feb 2010 @ 9:52pm]

So, the thing is, I pretty much suck with words. I can manage to pull them together sometimes (barely), but for the most part I just can't articulate what I'm thinking. But if I could, omg, if I could please know that I would be writing you all the most epic f*cking flowery poetry! The kind that would go on for days and days about how grand and lovely each and every one of you is, because no matter what, please at least know I do think each and every one of you are grand, amazing, lovely, talented, creative, beautiful human beings.

You have all made this an amazing experience that I'm going to remember and use as the standard I hold all my other, new, future games too. I made some really great friends through this game, not to mention a whole storm of people I'm pretty much infatuated with talent & creativity wise and hope to see in future games so I can continue making heart eyes at their characters/writing styles for a very, very long time. In the meantime, trust I will be stalking all the placeholders that have gone up and rereading everything we've ever done here (and replying to snaps/yearbook post)!

Okay, so basically, all this gibber jabber equals: I LOVE YOU ALL SFM!!! And if you haven't already, please, please friend [info]taz_means_crazy, my cdj, so we can keep in touch.

20YL links coming to this space soon!
Harvey Hachette
03 post comment

i am a fucking faggot. [1 Feb 2010 @ 10:57pm]



031 post comment

BYE, BYE, MISS AMERICAN PIE. [1 Feb 2010 @ 10:58pm]
Where to even begin.

It seems funny to me in retrospect, but a year ago today, I was thinking about dropping Isaac Crowley. The game had just opened, but already I had serious misgivings about whether or not he would translate him from an idea in a fun application into real gameplay with other characters. I was wrong. Rarely have I ever been so happy to be wrong. His concept blossomed into something I never really anticipated. The same goes for the concept of Svetlana Duff, and for the concept of Courtney Christie, too.

Even though the majority of my character development has focused on the changes that are internal, they could never have been accomplished without support of the external. I mean that in the in-character sense, and the out-of-character one. I have been the recipient of so much careful listening and understanding and forbearance from so many people in this community, and the beneficiary of so much creativity and enthusiasm, too. So have my characters. From the four of us -- from me, plus the three Neopolitan voices in my head -- we could never have done it without each and every single one of you.

Courtney Christie, Svetlana Duff, and Isaac Crowley: 20 Years Later. It got so tl;dr that I actually have to link you to a series of outside pages, but it wouldn't be me if it wasn't truly long-winded. All still subject to some editing. I thank you for reading in advance. )

Keep in touch with me, yo. My IJ is [info]connie if I'm not on your list already; I will friend you back at lightning speed, I promise. I still have one or two things to put up before midnight hits, and doing so will be bittersweet -- placeholders aside, I'm sad that this will be the last of it, but at the same time, the places I've already been with you guys make me so happy, and so proud to be a part of this community. I love you all. Thank you all. Take care.
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