Word of the Day's Journal
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Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

    Time Event
    Title: Amanuensis
    Summary: Severus starts writing his memoirs of the war, but he has real problems.... with hand cramps.
    Rating: G
    Pairing: HP/SS
    Genre: Romance, really.
    Series: Word of the Day (WotD)
    Warnings: None!
    Beta-ed: NO
    Complete: YES
    Disclaimer: Why waste your time reading this? There's lovely slash behind the link, and you're reading this. You're still reading this... didn't I tell you something about reading this?

    Amanuensis )

    Current Mood: busy
    Current Music: "Pretty Women" -- Sweeney Todd
    Title: Amative
    Summary: Valentine's Day has always been boring for Severus... until now
    Rating: PG-13
    Pairing: HP/SS
    Genre: Romance
    Series: Word of the Day (WotD)
    Warnings: None!
    Beta-ed: NO
    Complete: YES
    Disclaimer: Why waste your time reading this? There's lovely slash behind the link, and you're reading this. You're still reading this... didn't I tell you something about reading this? FINE. NOT MINE, HAPPY?!?!

    Amative )

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