April 9th, 2008

02:31 am
[info]treeathie: FLAPJACKS!

I have been trying out as many different healthytastyhippiemagic pancake mixes as I can get my hands on. Today I tried Baker Mills' Kodiak Cakes - Whole Wheat, Oat & Honey FLAPJACK & WAFFLE MIX. Yeah, caps are annoying. Oh well.
These ended up being too watery with the amount of water they suggested (but hey, you only have to add water!), so I added a bit more mix. The end result was SuperAmazingYum. Do you know what I mean when I say the best pancakes taste like eggs? I hope you do. Anyway, these did. And they are actually made with real ingredients that won't make me sick. Plus, the bear logo reminds me of my brother-in-law's tattoo. Yay Kodiak Cakes!

So if you are too lazy to make your own mix...you might be able to guess what I might recommend.
(Oh, but it is expensive.)