Fans of Nascar's Journal
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Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in Fans of Nascar's InsaneJournal:

    Monday, June 11th, 2007
    9:47 pm
    So what did people think of Pocono? It again brought up the issue of "calling" a race if it goes more than half way and gets delayed by weather. My own personal thoughts are that a full race should be run, though how to go about this is a difficult decision. I think running the rest of the laps the next day would be the best solution as they do run the race the next day if it's rain delayed before the start but then that raises the question of is it worth staying an extra day if there's only one lap left to run.

    Also, I know he was joking but does anybody think that Kyle Petty will tender his resignation?

    Current Mood: contemplative
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