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A fun quiz and a movie-verse art book [Nov. 3rd, 2008|01:38 am]

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Today’s non-fiction recs consist of a fun quiz and a book about the creation of the rich visual world of the recent Narnian movies.

Which Narnian Character are you?

The Crafting of Narnia
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1 book rec, 1 essay and 1 unusual history [Oct. 27th, 2008|12:05 am]

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Today’s non-fiction recs are an eclectic lot! One book link, one serious essay and one unusual history of Narnia

This link takes you to, to the Table of Contents for CS Lewis’ book entited ‘Poems’ which includes poems about Narnia. I don’t think I was previously aware that Lewis wrote Narnian poetry. Another one for the Christmas list!

Myth Made Truth: the Origins of the Chronicles of Narnia by Mark Bane
Background information on Lewis’ creation

Brief History of Narnia and the Lands Beyond.
As told by Petraverd, Unicorn and Scholar of Narnian Lore to his faithful scribe, Epidius the Faun
Beautifully illustrated with marginalia by Epidius

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Alphabetical list of Narnian characters [Oct. 20th, 2008|12:09 am]

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Today’s non-fiction rec is a resource list of all the characters in the seven books of Narnia, arranged in alphabetical order. This has to be useful for those of us who are spelling-challenged!

List of characters in The Chronicles of Narnia

Sorry but ...that's all for today, folks!
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One blog about VotDT & two essays on writing [Oct. 12th, 2008|11:22 pm]

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Today we have one blog about VotDT and two essays for writers.


Personal Reflections on Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Christian perspective on the book. Love the illustration at the top!


The first time I ever tried to have two of my characters make love I found that I wasn’t really conveying the scene too well. Luckily I stumbled upon Icarus’ essay on the topic, and another romantic fan-fic was born. Icarus doesn’t write Narnian fan-fic as far as I know, but I consider her essays to be applicable to all writers. I hope they prove as useful to you as they have been to me!

How to write a battle scene by Icarus

How to write a sex scene* by Icarus


*Actually, this is not the name the author gave it, but I didn’t want to use the F word in an open blog.
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1 Prince Caspian review + further reading [Oct. 6th, 2008|12:24 am]

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Hated the movie...
Prince Caspian Misconstrued from Lynn Maudlin’s blog

Loved it...
er, sorry. Couldn’t find anything reccable. :-<

One reader’s suggestions of further reading about Narnia
The Narnia Lovers' List
A Listmania! list by J. B. Pritchard on

And lastly for this week, here’s a publication from Mythopoeic Press Books. Check it out for the cover illustration of Aslan, if nothing else! You won’t be able to comment at this site though unless you’re a member.
"Past Watchful Dragons: Fantasy and Faith in the World of C.S. Lewis"

A few things here that may go on my Christmas List. Enjoy! And if anyone would like to do a book review on any of the above books (or similar) for next week, that would be fabulous!
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Four perspectives on LWW [Sep. 29th, 2008|09:32 am]

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Hated it...
Narnia represents everything that is most hateful about religion
Children won't get the Christian subtext, but unbelievers should keep a sickbag handy during Disney's new epic, writes Polly Toynbee

Loved it...
Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Not Quite a Movie Review | James Como

A few metaphysical quibbles...
Aslan and Burke: Not Good, but Safe
from the blog by Bezalel: An exploration of issues confronting the Christian artist through a general discussion of the arts and particular examples from original writings.

Twisted and evil...
Blending Truth and Myth
by Berit Kjos

Know of any more interesting perspectives on The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe? Please share them with us!
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