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Posts Tagged: 'osiris'

Jul. 21st, 2012



[No Subject]

If anyone knows any information regarding the whereabouts a woman named Syrinx, please let me know immediately.  Even if they're just rumors.  Anything that leads to finding her will be monetarily rewarded.

[Filter: Family]
I heard of the fire and- please let me know you're all fine.  I don't even care about the crops, just be fine.

[Filter: All citizens of Babylon]
Because the Sultan has been silent on the matter, I decided it is my duty to inform you of our region's current situation.  I understand our decision will not be a popular one, but the necessity of it was not taken lightly.  We have secured a path through Babylon along the border of Camelot for soldiers of Nilfheim and Iriy to pass through in exchange for a toll.  We have military forces guarding that path in case of incident, but we have assurance from both countries that there should not be any problems that would lead to Babylonian land or people being harmed.  Please do not be alarmed by their presence and let us all hope that this war is swift.  In the meantime, please keep to the main cities of Babylon and limit your travel through those designated areas. 



the second laugh ☺


[ filter; family ]
You guys, if you want to go to Camelot, go without me, okay? I'm not going anywhere for a while.

Jul. 20th, 2012




[It had been days and the worry was beginning to eat her up. And when she had worried her thumb to the point of bleeding, she wraps it up and then begins to write.]

[Filter: Syrinx]

Please tell me you're well. Please.

[Filter: Family + Horus]

Has anyone seen my daug Syrinx? She's usually so good about seeing me and checking in and I

Set, use your Marshal powers I'm so worried. I'm so, so very worried that she's gotten lost somewhere. She very small and delicate. She's a good girl, she wouldn't simply leave without saying anything. I know in my bones something has happened. I know it.

[Filter: Osiris]

Ambassador, I know Syrinx was your...well. She was very fond of you. Please tell me you can do something in helping me find her. Please.

[ooc: this can be considered backdated if needed]



[No Subject]

[Filter: Babylonian High Ranks]
I thought I saw Niflheimian soldiers coming into the region. Is there something I'm not aware of? I know I haven't been in talks because I'm not the sultan, but- Why are we allowing soldiers into our land or is this simply a mistake?

If it isn't a mistake, then what is happening? Horus, did you authorize this? Set? Anybody? Why would we let foreign soldiers traipse through the region? I hope you aren't stupid enough to trust them if they made promises about not going places they shouldn't

[Filter: Private]
For the love of fucking...whatever. Fuck it. I'm not letting this shit happen. This...They need to get the fuck out of my our region.

Jul. 19th, 2012



[No Subject]

As much as I enjoy travel, I've never been happier to see Babylon.  Bless this weather, the people, and the food. 

Considering an early retirement. 

[Filter: Syrinx]

I was going to surprise you with my return, but you weren't home when I visited. 

Ah... when will you be around?  If it's not too much trouble.

[Filter: Medb]
Is there anything left to discuss?

[Filter: Babylonian Officials]

Anything important I missed while away?  Has everything been properly prepared and secured?

Set, come by sometime.  I picked up something in Nilfheim that may interest you.

Jul. 18th, 2012



[No Subject]

Today's been the least busy of my days. I'm not sure I can be pleased about that I even spent time in the fields, which was a little strange, since I'm almost never out help.

[Filter: Siblings]
Come see me. I've missed y- No. Nevermind. We're having dinner. In case you didn't know. Ten minutes. Be there. I don't want to have to feed your food to the cats in retaliation.

Jul. 13th, 2012



[No Subject]

it is a nice day

[Filter: Osiris]

i miss you
there were some nice people tonight in the bar

[Filter: Nephthys]

do you want to have lunch tomorrow?

Jun. 25th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Osiris]

how is niflheim?

[Filter: Nephthys]


can I ask something?

[Filter: Family]

have you decided when you're going to camelot?




[Filter: Osiris]

Out of personal curiosity, have you managed to speak to anyone useful in Niflheim yet?

Also, I hope you weren't poisoned.

Jun. 22nd, 2012




It's wrong to bully someone just because you're having a bad day, isn't it? I think I made three grown men cry today. I need better soldiers.

[Filter: Babylonian High Ranks]
I've taken care of our borders to the best of my ability. Everyone is stationed where they need to be. However, you're aware we are not a military power in comparison. It's irritating at moments like these. This can only help so much. Come to a decision before they do.

[Filter: Osiris]
Don't let Tezcatlipoca poison you, please.

Jun. 20th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Osiris]

Your Excellency, I hope our country is treating you well?

Jun. 18th, 2012




[Filter: Private]

Note to self: get the driver to see if he can remove that dent before Rosier knows about it. I swear, the places people will put posts.

No, wait, I think it was the fence. I think. I really shouldn't drink before driving. Feh.

[Filter: Public]

The world is grumbling and I am eager to read of things unrelated to the rumours of missing princesses, abductions, horrible men who do those things and whatnot. Really, have you seen Babylon's history? It's littered with kidnapped women. I know it's not really all that nice and very much illegal now but it's happened.

Besides, we the people can hardly help the situation by speculating so much until more is known. And I'm Babylonian. I have no care or connection to Ryugu-jo or Camelot. And they really better not come here. Personally, I rather discuss something of more value to me.

Family, one of the cats from outside got in. I don't know where it is. ♥



[No Subject]

[ filter; horus ]

We must speak, nephew.

[ / ]

[ filter; set & osiris; visible to horus ]

I have been contacted by the Chancellor of Iriy.

[ / ]

Jun. 16th, 2012



[No Subject]

Work has kept me detained for more time than I expected. I've never seen a person deliberate so slowly and for so long. If you want the opium, you want it. Don't be a bitch about it Luckily it turned out well in the end anyway.

[Filter: Siblings]
And what have you three been up to?

Jun. 9th, 2012



[No Subject]

you know i could drink the world and never get my fill )



[No Subject]

[fulter; nephtuys]
tjanks for the... well, sorry about that.  did the doctor say two days or two weeks for bandages because it's hard to tyope like this

oh by the way if you habvent already can you just... not tell anyone?? 

[filfter: gwyinynevere
i'm not moving affter all but the dishes are in pieces so i miean you can still have the two cups and the bowls but it's an incomplerte set (hahaha) if you dont mind

[filter: anubis]
how is life outside if the hospital?  i taught a=sam a few tricks but i dont know how well... or maybe he aleready knew those tricks i have videos if you want

[filter: hours]
if you heard anyhthing it's not as bad as you think\\

can you tell hathor it's fine about the wedding delay since

[filter: syrinx]
i found the missing monopoly pieces while movcing the couch

[flitter: set]
i'm still craving strawvberry ice cream do you think th chinese takeout delivers that too??

[messed up filters are readable to the public, oops]

Jun. 5th, 2012



[No Subject]

Picture book remedy )
[ooc: backdated to June 1st]

May. 31st, 2012



[No Subject]

If anyone is looking for flowers to bring to those stuck in the hospital, there was a cancelled wedding and I have more than what I know what to do with.  Free of charge.

[address with a link to google maps]

[Filter: Set]

How are you doing?
You stood me up.

[Filter: Charon]
How are you doing?
If you're ever feeling up for it, let me take you out for a drink.

[Filter: Syrinx]
How are you doing?
Do you like board games?

d i e c i o c h o



[filter; all egyptians minus set and anubis]
Okay. Okay. We must commence Operation Make Anubis Feel Better. Once he sleeps his sleepy head off (not literally). We must squish (softly) with love and let him know he's not alone, okay? He's been going through a rough time. DYING DID NOT HELP. But he's back now, and we should focus on that!

I'm going to attack a toy store tomorrow. Luca will help me pick the best ones. OH GOD MY SON I HAVE MY SON. NEVER LETTING GO. AND MY LITTLE BABIES. And my big baby.

Question, though: what about Set?



[No Subject]

It was just an accident )

[Filter: Egyptians]
Here. Hospital. Don't...don't come yet. Time. Just a little...tired.

May. 29th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Osiris]

so many dead

people i care for

May. 26th, 2012



[No Subject]

At least that is over with.

[Filter: Isis]

[Filter: Egyptians]

[Filter: Horus]

I don't have pity to offer or any profound words of wisdom, but if you want to talk, you know how to find me.  If you rather not, I understand.  For what it's worth, I'm proud of you.

[Filter: Anubis]

You can't read this, but I'm no less proud of you.  May you be at rest, my son.

[Filter: Set]


[Filter: Syrinx]

I know you weren't going to watch, but I survived.  Please don't worry. 

May. 25th, 2012




save sorrow for the souls in doubt, bleed every care out... )

May. 24th, 2012




Not looking forward to fighting, but I guess it's what has to be done.



[No Subject]

[Filter: Gavin]

visit brothers, can I?

[Filter: Osiris & Hades]

Please be careful. I will

will cheer for you both.

[Filter: Aeneas & Trolius]

May. 23rd, 2012




[She'd kept her emotions in check and had walked away from the Arena before anyone could so much as grab her arm or stop her. She moved with her slaves and guards back home. There was no comfort but that she could bring to herself and she could - would not blame Horus for the decision he took. An attempt had been made for mercy and it had been cruelly denied. Horus had a family to look out for as much as anyone else.

And if she was suffering, she could not imagine his burden. Or Isis'. Or Osiris'.

It was when she was finally in her own chambers, alone with her journal, that she reached out.

[Filter: Egyptians]

Many of us mourn today but what has been done is done. That sounds cruel but we cannot do anything about it. The moment the battles were announced, there was some...idea of what could happen. What was likely to happen. It's up to Khaos to return him to us.

And if and when she does, we will be there for him. We must be and for anyone else who may fall. Quietly, carefully.

[Filter: Set]
[Filter: Isis]
[Filter: Osiris]

[Filter: Private]

Never mind.

May. 20th, 2012


[No Subject]


May. 18th, 2012


d i e c i s é i s

[filter; horus]

You're not allowed to be a gladiator. You should be here with me, but if you have to be, WIN OKAY? Win win win. I love you so much. I'M COMING TO SEE YOU.

[filter; true family]

May. 17th, 2012


[No Subject]

[Filter: Aaron & Underworld minus Minos]


[Filter: Osiris]


May. 16th, 2012




This? Again?

Dammit, I just want my iPhone. And I'm being told that I'm a gladiator. That's just peachy. Fuck it. Someone is going to bleed for this and they're not going to get an apology.

May. 9th, 2012



[No Subject]

Has anybody else's electricity and water been out for the last month or so?

There weren't any notices in my building, and it worked fine last week so I thought the problem had been fixed.

Not to complain, just wondering how long this is supposed to last.

May. 5th, 2012



[No Subject]

I love the way a simple bouquet of flowers seems to brighten a room. Sometimes it's even more effective than a smile. I'm still not sure if anything is more powerful than laughter in filling a room with joy, but I'm sure flowers could give it a run for its money if they tried.

And now I probably sound a little off. I promise I'm not insane. Can I promise that? I'm really not insane. At least most days!

I'm Aubrey (or Brie, if you prefer), by the way. It's nice to meet you all. Well, it will be nice, I'm sure.

May. 3rd, 2012



[No Subject]

Do you know what just started? )

Apr. 30th, 2012



[No Subject]

I never realized how time-consuming taking care of two children can be.  I don't know if I feel guiltier for wishing this was over or apparently wishing for this in the first place. 

Though it is nice to pretend, even if that means having it all ripped away again.

[Filter: Egyptians]

It's been selfish of me to keep so distant, and I owe an apology for not trying harder to overcome my reservations. 

I need to get out for a bit, if anyone is interested in joining me for a picnic in the park.  Nothing too elaborate, I just miss the fresh air and wouldn't mind the company of somebody real.

Apr. 22nd, 2012



[No Subject]

I am thinking of changing my cellphone number. Perhaps it would be best for all to call me either at home or at the office?

Apr. 21st, 2012



[No Subject]

Sheep )

[Filter: Private]
Sheep? Really? Sheep. Of all things!

I never thought I'd say anything so ridiculous, but I don't think I can forgive the sheep for this betrayal.

[Filter: Public]
Ugh. So much for that. At least my head doesn't hurt.




[She considered using the number Set had given her but a small part of her balked in the end, feeling unready to go that far with the brother she had used. Text first, then she'd hear his voice.]

[Filter: Osiris]

I'm sorry I missed your exposure.

Er. I mean that you were revealed here. I missed that. I apologize. This is Nephthys.

Apr. 17th, 2012



[No Subject]

Hello, I guess.

I guess this calls for an introduction. I'm Aaron and I'm not really sure why I'm here, only that I am. Odd invitations to strange places. I'm not sure I entirely understand. Then again, accepting these things was probably not my BRIGHTEST move, but hopefully it's worth it and no one's out to kill me. Are Apep or Isis behind this? I will leave if they are. I refuse- I was in the middle of homework when this popped up and I really need to get back to that, but do I know anyone in here from school? Is that what this is about? Some sort of social networking thing?



[No Subject]

[Filter: Osiris]


[Filter: Cas]


[Filter: Public]


i like it quiet

Apr. 15th, 2012


[text to Donovan]

Hey. Do you need anything? I read
Tags: ,




I never thought I would be staying under my parents' roof again. They're always off traveling somewhere, so it's not that awkward. I just shouldn't have to rely on anyone and it's further from work. At least the cat seems happy enough to snoop around as she pleases.

I'll have to find a new apartment soon. And change my phone number. And buy a new phone case.

I hate everything. I'm finding whoever is responsible for the past few months and bashing their face in with a pipe. Then I'll worry about a few others.

Apr. 10th, 2012



[She'd woken up in her own bed, which was nice. Relatively speaking. She was sharing the bed with several tree branches, which was less nice.

A glance at her clock told her it was Sunday. Easter. The whole Friday to Sunday thing wasn't lost on her, but it didn't exactly lighten her mood. At least she'd been out of it through much of Friday and all of Saturday, giving her a little less time to brood. Not that there'd been much time for brooding in the maze anyway, but now it was back full-force.

It was stupid, really. These were just arbitrary days picked out by a church that she didn't really believe in. What she did believe in was the image of a man nailed up on a cross and left to die. She'd seen him after that. She knew he was alive. But that didn't change how awful it had been and she really didn't appreciate a holiday reminding her of that. Or reminding her about how much of her life she had yet to figure out.

At least she'd planned ahead and gotten Sunday off. Monday would have been nice too, but you can't have everything you wish for. So Monday she went to work and smiled and pretended that her life wasn't a complete mess because of things that happened two thousand years ago.

It was exhausting.]

The problem is that now even being normal feels strange. And I guess the real purpose for living doesn't change no matter where you are or what's happening around you, but that doesn't really make this easier.

Anyway, I'm glad to see that everyone seems okay despite our latest adventure.

Apr. 8th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Remembering a time when waking up in his own bed wasn't an unexpected occurrence, Donovan had spent most of his morning contemplative and distracted. Nearly burning the toast and then spilling the orange juice across the counter while staring blankly out the kitchen window at the city that hadn't noticeably changed at all during his brief absence, Donovan had far more on his mind to silently worry about.

During breakfast, his roommate's bad mood wasn't unusual enough to be immediately concerning, attributing the higher level of one-sided tension between them to the events over the last week that they both were avoiding bringing up. They hadn't ran into each other in the maze, but they both were there, and Donovan had an uncomfortable feeling that Altan knew something important that he wasn't sharing.

Conversations with Death and Bastet stirred thoughts that seemed better left untouched. Maybe he wasn't supposed to know. Maybe things would go back to normal again if he ignored it, or at least until they were involuntarily yanked into another messy situation that he had yet to understand.

But after being forcibly dragged from his chair and locked into the cramped closet for reasons that weren't given, Donovan quickly realized that the brief charade of normalcy that morning was unfortunately short-lived. At first he waited patiently for his roommate to return with (or even without) an explanation, but then the apartment was far too quiet and it was obvious after a few hours and a dozen ignored text messages and declined calls that Altan had no intention of letting him out any time soon. And that's when the panic began to set in, a claustrophobia that he was never aware of having, and he had to get out.  Now.]

Hey hello i seem aggggggd to be locke d in my c lost ahhahj can you le t me out??)Please

Altann where are yoi u this isnt funy

Apr. 7th, 2012




I'm getting so sick and tired of this. I have a life to deal with, I don't need be running around nowhere for who knows what reason. I need to bash something against a wall.

Who else is... here? Donovan, are you still alive? I don't know where this is, Google Maps isn't working and all I have is a compass. It's the 21st century, we have something called GPS.

Apr. 5th, 2012



thirty-six. [texted]

[Death has been collecting people, it seems. It's not been so bad. Bodies she could use in case of, well, anything. She wasn't naive enough to think perhaps they also didn't think this way. It was the right way to go.]

I wish I had some cards on me. not for gambling but solitaire.

how many of you suspect those taken are actually dead?

Apr. 2nd, 2012


[Filter: Egyptians]

Is everyone all right?

Locations, please. Compass directions will do just fine.

Mar. 23rd, 2012



[No Subject]

Compared with still working all the time and all these strange things happening, I think I need a holiday.

I took off Monday, so I guess that's enough of a holiday. Four day weekend.

[Filter: Private]
And what's with this kit? Yep. Now you're talking to yourself essentially, Shaun. Good work.

Mar. 18th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Phonecall to Osiris]

[Because Merlin was an awesome guy he gave Osiris his number after Donovan saved his life (and by save his life he means the man kept him for being run over by some grumpy driver that needed an extra shot of caffeine in his morning latte. Whatever, right?

Because he was an even more awesome person, he programmed the following ringtone with his name. Yup.]

Hello, hello?




Don't think I'm going to run out of change any time soon if this keeps up.

Mar. 7th, 2012



[No Subject]


This is a community for-
a. roleplaying/fanfiction/otherkins
b. some other fandom thing
c. personal ads for New Yorkers
d. alien/government conspiracy theories
e. a social experiment
f. I've lost my mind/have been drugged/drank too much

a. Reportedly not.  But just in case: not interested, but keep on keeping on.
b. What series is this?
c. I have a couch that my roommate wants rid of because apparently it doesn't match the new coffee table. 
d. Freaky.
e. Also freaky.  (unsure if more, less, or similar amounts of)
f. Seems likely.
all of the above. Oh.
none of the above. Hello, my name is Donovan.