Posts Tagged: '%21meme'

Sep. 22nd, 2012



~the issues meme~

• Describe Your Issues •

Then we'll describe your real issues
In this meme, post with each of your characters and let them describe ICly what they think their issues are. If they don't think they have any, they can say that as well. Just remember their replies to this should be as if they were asked in-game by someone. Reply as a player, then, to that comment and really give us the scoop on what their issues are!

Aug. 28th, 2012



a meme!

Give me one of your characters and one of mine, and assuming they went out and got totally wasted, I will give you their top Texts From Last Night!

Jul. 24th, 2012



[No Subject]

Okay, I've seen this meme going around in journals, so I took it and tweaked it...and hopefully this is fun for everyone. Now watch me be the one who forgets to do it.........aslkd

So! Feel free to do this for each of your characters or if you have 128789342 chars comment with your name and people can ask you about specific ones. ♥ Whatever works! \o\
1. Why I played this character.
2. My favourite moment in canon for this character.
3. My favourite moment in game-canon for this character.
4. My favourite piece of headcanon for this character.

Godspeed \o/
Tags: ,

Jul. 5th, 2012



Random Question Meme

It's Thursday, Jill is bored, so let's have a meme!

The Instructions
1. Post for your characters.
2. Players will post the numbers for up to 5 questions for you to answer.
3. Specify NY or Zurvan.
4. Have fun spamming my inbox!

The Questions )

May. 4th, 2012





1. Find an image/gif, be it from a movie, a premiere, a show, etc. of two or more characters IN GAME
2. Post them as a LINK with the characters' names in the subject line
4. Ignore that the gif has a non-game char in it, okay
5. Have fun?

Apr. 27th, 2012



anonymous prompt meme


How this works is quite easy: you ask for something anonymously and others reply anonymously. You may ask for one character, a pairing or even a group pair with a prompt and preferred rating.

Things to keep in mind:

• Please only stick with characters in-game currently. If they aren't on the taken list please don't request something with them. Characters who are approved during the meme are more than welcome to jump in.
• You don't need to remain anonymous after a while but it's part of the fun.
• One request per comment, please. But make as many requests as you like.
• For 'rating', feel free to say any/no preference if you like.
• Requests can be filled in more than once.
• While writing out request is typical, don't feel limited. Use whatever media you would think would suit it best as long as it is your own work, please (art, poems, etc).
• Does you character want to shriek/laugh/stare at something? Sure! Only after the prompt as been filled can you reply ICly.
• And unless agreed upon by all the players involved, whatever happens in this prompt meme remains here.
• And last, but not least, be respectful and polite as always!

Copy, paste, request!


Mar. 3rd, 2012



fourthwalling meme

This is where characters and players mingle. A character can poke another player or a player can elbow a character. Questions can be asked, pestering can be done - in general, we're breaking the fourth wall. Here is how delightful little meme works:

► Put your name in the subject line and then post a list of your characters in that same comment.
► Characters will be aware that players do jerk them around. Alas, it's a tough life, isn't it, godlings?
► Players: go around and address other characters if you like.
► Characters: go around and address other players.
► Please remember to put in the subject like who is talking to who. For example: Angie to Baldr, Morgause to Joana, etc. It helps keep things tidy. ♥
► Remember this is all for fun!

Feb. 25th, 2012



10 Things I Love About You


MEME TIME. Sort of. More like "let's get to know your characters" time. Should you choose to participate, list 10 facts other players may not or should know about your character(s). (i.e. 1. Hebe is really horrible at swimming.) Put their names in the subject line, or do it by player! Keep in mind this is for NYC only. But you can do Zurvan optionally if you'd like!

idk, amuse me guys. Teach me something I should know.


Jan. 19th, 2012



. oh my god, it's another meme.

Also known as Joana procastinating.

You want to ask something of the characters? This is the place. Comment with your kids and ask anyone anything, either icly or not. They will be forced to reply. I don't promise they'll reply politely but does that even matter? Have at it, kids.

And I totally used this journal for an excuse to post with this icon. It will never be used icly.

Jan. 4th, 2012


New Year Meme

y, cristina is a memewhore

Something to kick off another deliciously plotty New Year. Taken from the Golden Hour:

List your characters, then comment with up to 5 things the character wants, then up to 5 things you, the player, want to see happen to them. Comment to other people and see if you can help fulfill either their ic or ooc goals! It's a good way to get CR started or give characters something to do.

Dec. 24th, 2011



Am I allowed to do this? adfj;l; ♥ you all and SO DOES MIRANDA KERR

Taking this from goldenhourooc @ LJ!

Tag in characters individually!

1. Ice breaker- kiss one person you've never ic'ly threaded with
2. Kiss the person two comments above you! If you are at the top, circle to the end. If that would be playercesting, just skip up until you find someone else's character!
3. Kiss someone you would do the horizontal mambo with.
4. Kiss someone you hate (if you are above hate, kiss someone you dislike intensely).
5. Kiss someone from a different faction from yourself. (I guess we could go with Zurvan for this!)

State why the kiss was given or don't at all or rationalize or basically whatever works ICly.