
My Journals

A bunch of bullshit here
And stuff
Or something

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November 15th, 2017



i would not tap that

So a while back Invisionfree/zIFboards, a forum service I've used since 2004, announced they were partnering with something called "Tapatalk" but I didn't know anything about it & didn't care.

Until I learned that they were actually going to phase out the whole service & convert it all into Tapatalk, which, if they even said as much from the beginning [and I distinctly don't remember this at all] it wasn't made clear that this was going to be an outright replacement. I'd have had way more time to prepare if I'd known at all, and I definitely wouldn't have registered that board I used for RP a while ago... nor would I have attempted to revive any of my old zIFs but anyway

THIS IS A POST ABOUT HOW TO MAKE SOME FIXES TO A TAPATALK. It assumes you are not using a phone. Don't ask me about phones I don't have one.
Nobody on support has answered me when I ask what Tapatalk is, I still don't know
The rest of this is a terrible Tapatalk tutorial under the cut )