Jun. 16th, 2013


Prompt #10

Prompt #10 will be


This can be interpreted in any way that you like.

Past prompts are always open to be written about.


Prompt #9

Prompt #9 will primarily be a crossover prompt*

Your Character meets a random character from another fandom. How does your character react?

* If you don't want to do a strict crossover, you can have your character either meet someone within your fandom that they've never met or you can have your character meet one person living or dead that they'd not really have a chance of meeting.

Remember you can always write for any of our past prompts.

May. 26th, 2013


Prompt #8

Prompt Eight will be a three things prompt.

Three things will be given and each of those three things must appear in your response.

empty, alcohol, sky

How you wish to use the prompts is up to you.

Remember you can answer any of our past prompts.


Prompt #7

Happy Sunday. Our seventh prompt will be:


Take the prompt however you wish.

Remember you can answer any of our past prompts.

Apr. 28th, 2013


Prompt #006: photo prompt

Prompt #6 is behind the cut.

photo prompt )


Prompt #005

Happy Sunday! Our fifth prompt will be:


Take the prompt however you want.

Remember you can answer any of our past prompts.

Apr. 10th, 2013


Prompt #004

Our fourth prompt for [info]musevoices will be:

Where are you currently?.

Remember you can answer any of our past prompts.

Mar. 30th, 2013


Prompt #003

Happy Saturday! Our third prompt for [info]musevoices will be:

Insert your muse in a different fandom.

Remember you can answer any of our past prompts.

Mar. 24th, 2013


Prompt #002

Happy Sunday! Our second prompt will be:

Five times you kissed someone (or someone you wanted to kiss but didn't)

Remember you can answer any of our past prompts.

Mar. 20th, 2013


Prompt #001

Welcome to [info]musevoices. Our first prompt is:

Who are you?

Take the time to introduce your muse to the rest of us.

If you'd like to suggest a future prompt, you can do so at the prompt archive post.


Prompt Archive

Here is the prompt archive.

Prompts )

If you would like to suggest a future prompt, you can do so at this post.